Coco 1

Sambora1 Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 9 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I always tried to read at least an hour before I went to bed but when I do make it to bed I am so exhausted I fall asleep right away. I even have a hard time keeping up with reading our local newspaper, I am currently a day behind because all weekend I was worried about a doctor’s appointment that my Mom was having Wednesday about some problems she is having so I wasn’t able to concentrate. With a holdiay coming up and one less day of newspaper this coming week I should catch up again.

  2. about 10 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    That is amazing, I always thought that my dear sweet Coco was a major heat source with all her long hair, In the winters when my hands were cold I would have her let me pet her and just run my hands through all that warm hair and they would warm out so quickly, boy do I miss that sweet little girl.

  3. about 10 hours ago on Pickles

    Six months is a long time for a furniture delivery, were they specially made or the supply issue thing?

  4. about 11 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    I don’t remember ever having a read list for summer in school, of course I have loved reading since I was able to read, Mom read to us before bed until we learned to read then we would read the books to her to practice. Me and my sister would spend our summers at the library reading and taking home books to read. I do remember that my 11th grade English teacher would put out books on the shelves of the chalkboards that we could borrow if we wanted to and then return them to him when done, and he would put our John Steinbeck, Shakespeare, Jane Austin and such. I read all but a couple thorught the year and asked him if I could read the rest during my senior year and he allowed me to, he said it was great to not only see someone who loved to read but someone who loved the classics.

  5. about 11 hours ago on FoxTrot Classics

    Mysteries are also my favorite genre for reading, I absolutely love Agatha Christie and Sir Arthur Doyle, James Patterson and Micheal Connelly. I use to read all the time but the past couple of years I just got out of reading for pleasure, don’t feel much like doing anything anymore and now I still am not sleeping good and only sleeping a couple of hours and then have to take a nap in afternoon then on computer until I fall asleep at computer. I need to get back into reading because it was my main way to relax.

  6. about 12 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    Our “mall” has about 5 stores in it and the other half is all empty so about a year ago they changed the name from “mall” to “Square”.

  7. about 12 hours ago on B.C.

    Yes, but which is the DIP for? :)

  8. about 13 hours ago on Agnes

    I have seen some furniture like that and some do come out real nice but than you have others that the people didn’t have a clue what they were doing and it showed and looked like they got the piece out of the dumpster.

  9. about 13 hours ago on Pickles

    The man at the funeral home that took care of my sisters cremation has been in business for over 40 years, he took over from his father, and it is one of the most trusted funeral homes in that area, which is why that is the one the hospital recommened to us, he only charged us about $1300 for picking up her body at hospital and the cremation and it would have been a bit more if he shipped her remains to us because they put insurance on the package to make sure it doesn’t get lost but Dad drove up there to get them because he also wanted to pay bill instead of having funeral director mail it to him and also that was his time alone with my sister, so to speak, so he felt he needed that time alone with her; the obit for newspaper cost us about $150, they price by amount of words and space it will take up in newspaper, we could have added one picture for free with obit but my sister hated having her picture taken so the most recent we had was my wedding photos from 1997 and she had a horrible cold so she didn’t look her best and she told me then never to allow anyone but family see those pictures so I didn’t put a picture with obit.

  10. 1 day ago on Pickles

    For being a funeral home director both of your comments are cold and heartless, I would hate to have to deal with your funeral home.When my sister passed away 7 months ago she had died in a hospital 2 1/2 hours away, in another state actually, because it was the closet trauma hospital from where the nursing home she was in. We knew we weren’t going to have a funeral for her, Dad and I live in PA and Mom lives in Alaska and can’t travel due to her being 73 and having health issues and my sister never stated her wishes on if she wanted to be buried or cremated but it was easier for the hospital to contact the nearest funeral home and have them come to hospital for her and have her cremated then Dad went to get her remains afterward. There was no hard feelings on any family member and no body thought it was like being left out on trash day as you stated. It just made more sense that way.