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Anna-Tiger Free

Recent Comments

  1. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Poor Iggy. We alll knew he was the culprit . Betrayed by his frightened litte face in picture 3 on 31 Jan. Iggy it is ok, as one great cat scholar and behaviouralist writes, you can always tell that a cat lives in a household by the subtle claw marks let alone copious amouts of fur on every surface. The woman will forgive you.

  2. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes, indeed. I would recommend go there and enjoy the story of Baba Mouse and the Wicket, or of Freddie Quinn and her kitty (Tilly, the ghost) reunited…

    Thje suspense between the twice weekly broadcasts… made me check quite frequently whether the new broadcast was up, at last.

  3. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    What a lovely quote; yes, Colette loved her cats. Do you remember which text it is from?

  4. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    On the worktop, on the table, I even caught somebody kneeding the dough as it was resting on the counter covered by a tea towel, so soft so warm, so pleasant on the paws. Other persons have been known to put their (paw) mark on the cake in its tin as it was waiting to go into the oven. There is nothing like a helpful gang of kitties in the kitchen. Now that Tiger has taught himself how to open the kitchen door, I have to lock them out quite often.A threat is hanging in the air: hey intend to send a complaint to the “International Court of Cat Rights” I hear; woe on me.

  5. about 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Takeaways and packing peanuts, now that sounds and looks familiar.Is our clever Georgia reworking some of her old stuff to give the hand some rest, no complaints here? By the way, heartfelt commiserations from recovering paw to recovering paw.

    Does anyone of you remember when we first came across the peanuts and the takaway stories? I am not a regular member of the commentariat but never missed a comic ever since Elvis first took microphone in paw and announced “Breaking cat news”, yeah the wonderful twice weekly watercolours,

    Georgia I wish you a speedy and full recovery and thanks for the brilliant minutes of the station meeting as an alternative to drawings, I admire your creativity and resilience. Like “The Woman” in the comic never cowered by adversity.

  6. over 1 year ago on Our Super Adventure

    same here, Sarah.

  7. over 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Tiger, on the third aniversary of his arrival in his woman’s humble abode sends affectionate greetings to her whose radiant countenance has brought light and joy to so many of the lesser creatures . As a fitting tribute he encloses a mouse in thought though not in fact as a gift to the shining princess to be consumed at her leisure. Should she ever deign to grace his garden with her presence he will offer more of the aforementioned rodents for play and pleasure to her the godess of the pearly white canines.

  8. over 1 year ago on Breaking Cat News

    Dear Lady Kitten, it helps to be brave, calm and collected, when treating the little ones’ ailments. I expect you will surprise yourself with the happiness that comes from making a suffering animal better. I had a similar experience to yours three years ago when I fostered three six week old kittens whose mum did not alow herself to be caught. So first iI had to learn all about feeding and looking after very young cats.

    Then one little guy, the runt of the litter, came down with a severe case of calici virus (traditional strain) that almost killed him. Of course I wept, when the vet told me there was not much they could do for him. The little lad pulled through, other horrors followed but we coped. He is the cheekiest, most intelligent , most charming cat in the world (in my eyes). Tiger and friends send encouraging purrs, headbumps and positive cat enery to you and your kitties.

  9. almost 2 years ago on Snow Sez

    … definitely a member of the squirrel familiy, one that enjoys the occasional acorn. Very creative interpretation of your dad’s admonition Bodhi, you’re such a clever kitten.

  10. almost 2 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Oh dear, ihe is channelling Monty Python now.

    Never mind, keep up the good work, Robin. In this age of doom and gloom we need your unflagging optimism.