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  1. 3 months ago on Buckles

    next year spray a little catnip on it. that`ll throw off his super senses

  2. 6 months ago on Crankshaft

    maybe it was because that was the book that this all revolved around

  3. 6 months ago on Crankshaft

    as was said before the irony, banning and burning a book that was about banning and burning books.

  4. 6 months ago on Crankshaft

    the irony of it all. banning a book about banning books.

  5. 8 months ago on Brewster Rockit

    rings true in the real world to

  6. 9 months ago on Luann Againn

    had that happen to me a few times when i had a garage sale. they said they did nt want to miss out. “since i`m here could i look around anyway” one said. after the second time, i went out for breakfast and did nt reurn till around 15 minutes before the sale started.

  7. 9 months ago on Brewster Rockit

    one`s supposed to be trump and one biden. the irony is it`s interchangeable as to which one is which, they`re both to old and not all there.

  8. 9 months ago on Brewster Rockit

    actually the house. ol mitch and his cornies stacked the court for a few years to get rid of roe v wade

  9. 10 months ago on Stone Soup International Sundays
    had a co-worker who left important paperwork and personal stuff laying disorganized on our breakroom tables. would always get mad if i threw them away. never would answer when i suggested putting them in her locker. once got suspened for three days for using abusive language over one incident. was told to stop, i did, FOR THREE WEEKS. did it and denied it was me said someone must have stole it. mind you it didnt happen a lot and after awhile it didnt happen at all.
  10. 10 months ago on JumpStart

    26 years ago shortly after i moved into my house someone took my trash can and left theirs, because theirs was full of loose items and a few branchs. knew the trashmen who emptied the trash at the rec center i worked at then. they dumped it for me. called the police they refused to even fill out a report, because they couldnt be bothered for what they called a trival matter. and to top it off when i called waste collection and gave them the number on the can i had they hadnt entered it into their system for they sent it out.