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  1. 3 months ago on Luann

    Might be a misdirection? Notice Les answered with a question mark yesterday.

  2. 4 months ago on Crabgrass

    Why would anyone think gay men are wimps?

  3. 4 months ago on Luann

    Maybe Betts is trying to get Tiff interested in hearing Les talk to his cat? The Grays didn’t mind Tiffany being in the home. Maybe Betts would like Tiffany to trade her part of the dorm room for Gunther’s room?

  4. 6 months ago on Luann

    Hot yoga and other hot exercise also work. Temperature is lower outside (even in Phoenix).

  5. 7 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I am independent. The claim that CEOs don’t support Democrats always surprises me. Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Google, HP, Boeing, Apple, Facebook… many of the wealthiest people in America support the Democrat party. Yes, CEOs support Republicans too but I am assuming you must have that list memorized. It feels like both parties are controlled by wealthy donors.Left and Right seem almost meaningless terms. Both sides promote various versions of government growth and increased spending. Both meddle in different ways to restrict basic freedoms and impose censorship. Both prevent anyone independent of the small number of party leadership pre-vetted choices from challenging them. Both do their best to keep independents from putting anyone on the ballot nationwide. One cancelled primaries and many of their registered supporters felt disenfranchised but will vote for them anyway. I imagine the other will follow suit if it works for their opponents. Sometimes I wonder if the two party system is just about the illusion of having a choice. It seems designed to keep ruled-over Americans busy hating each other instead of seeing what we have in common with each other.I don’t hate people who support either party. I have seen lots of people get along and agree about many issues until they discover they support different candidates. I prioritize healthy relationships over national drama over the “lesser of two evils”. I hope no one ever pushes the red button. The US isn’t the only place that has access to a red button. I understand why other places fear the US is the most likely to use it… “lesser of two evils” implies not good.

  6. 7 months ago on Luann

    Nice artwork. I enjoy Greg’s style too, and of course Greg’s creates the overall feel of the Luann comic. This art deviates from the Luann feel which surprised me at first because I didn’t expect a guest artist to change the feel of the comic. It is nice to have a talented artist rather than the standard joke of a small child with limited art skills taking over.

  7. 7 months ago on Luann

    Thanks for the work you put in.

  8. 7 months ago on Luann

    Maybe Nancy tells Luann to room with Bernice so Shannon can move in to their house and be taken care of there. Luann gets sick of Bernice and takes Shannon’s room. Luann and TJ get married, work together to make the Fuse more profitable, move out, and offer to adopt Shannon?Maybe Bernice sneaks Shannon to Piro’s house where no one notices the extra kid?Maybe Bernice’s mom decides she needs a little girl and asks to watch Shannon – so Bernice sees her mom misses her and moves home?Maybe Jonah takes Shannon with him and she becomes a bigger star than he can be, and in a fit of rage he sells her to the highest bidder, and lands himself in jail?Endless possibilities…

  9. 8 months ago on Luann

    RSH – Your description fits Shannon’s character. She doesn’t think about other people’s feelings, just what she wants. Not unusual for very small children.

  10. 8 months ago on Luann

    You might need glasses.