
Ahsum Free

My WordPress Page: HttPS://MaiZing.WordPress.Com/ ................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................... My Amazon Author Page: HttPS://WwW.Amazon.Com/Author/Maizing

Recent Comments

  1. 13 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    That doesn’t sound right. If you make a purchase, you should be able to leave a review, regardless of how much you’ve spent over the past year.

  2. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I looked over my books on Amazon and realized something. My books that don’t have reviews on Amazon don’t have ratings either. This makes it hard for people to buy them. All of my books have reviews on Goodreads, but only three do on Amazon. The most important place to leave a review is on Amazon. Goodreads is only a close second.

    I have to admit, it gives me a warm feeling in my heart every time I come across someone else using a word I discovered. The other day, I was watching a YouTube video and they used the word ‘nibling’ (one of the new words I discovered and use in my stories).

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  3. 14 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  4. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    My submission to #LMIAY for September was the second one read.

    I have a browser addon that alerts me when there’s a change on Amazon to one of my published books. This past week, it alerted me to a drop in the rating for Clan. Clan now has three ratings and one review on Amazon. I’ve looked at the review and can’t decide if a) the reviewer didn’t actually read the book or b) the reviewer didn’t realize that my books contain short stories. There are only three reviews of my books on Amazon (one each for Clan, Destiny, and Observances).

    I’ve been hopping from one story to another this past week and have the opening scene for Colony done.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account).

  5. 21 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  6. 27 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    In the video I watched, the hosts reported the following:

    The segment opened with the following: Apparently there are around 4 million total stray dogs in Turkey and only 322 animal shelters with a capacity to house a total of 105 thousand dogs.

    They then went on to talk about Tombili, a famous street cat that was so beloved, that when he died, they made a statue of him.

    Next, they talked about how Muslims regard dogs as dirty, impure, and evil. Turkey is a predominantly Islamic nation. Muslims regard dogs as ritually impure, while cats are ritually pure. The hosts of the video added that apparently, this is a debated thing in Islam, because there are Muslims who do keep dogs.

    Then the hosts of the show went into the attacks by the dogs, starting with 4 peacocks, 2 of whom were incubating eggs. They showed a video clip of a man standing by the side of a road who was attacked and pulled down by the feral dogs.

    They then discussed a new law in Turkey, that required the dogs be rounded up and housed in shelter. However, there are Turkish people that are killing the dogs using cruel and inhumane methods. They contrasted this with how stray dogs are taken care of in other countries.

    This situation is controversial, not only in other countries, but in Turkey itself.

    Yes, the feral dogs need to be taken care of, but other countries seem to be able to handle problems with stray animals in a humane manner.

  7. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    I got an idea for a new story (it had actually been lurking at the back of my mind since I wrote Burdens). What sparked in my imagination, was the inciting incident. I’m not sure where I’ll put this story, but it fits with the theme of Exiled (my next book). If I can fit this story in Exiled, I won’t share the title until I publish the book. Otherwise, i’ll list it for whichever book I publish it in.

    Anyway, after I thought of the inciting incident, this story got me excited. I’m stuck at the transition from the current scene in Banished to what needs to happen next. I’ve tried to get into one of less advanced my story concepts, but haven’t been able to get into any of them. It’s been my experience that leaving a story to stew at the back of my mind helps when I return to it.

    The new story I thought of is based on the “Boy and his Dog” trope. While a “dog” isn’t a cat, I think that may be why I have more interest in writing this story than any of the others I have lined up, as I’m missing Pingpong.

    Aside: On Friday, I watched a video where they talked about the feral dogs of Turkey. Tip: If you plan to take a vacation abroad, avoid Turkey. The feral dogs roam the streets in packs, attacking & killing more docile animals and even humans. The government says the dogs are supposed to be sent to kennels & neutered/spayed, but the Turkish people have killed the dogs in cruel ways, and pet dogs have also been caught in the roundup.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page (Link on the profile page of this account). Note: I found a workaround to the feature that blocks URLs on profile pages.

  8. 28 days ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday

  9. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve had to spend a lot of time laying down for health reasons since Monday, so I haven’t been able to get much writing done this week.

    The kindle editions of each of my published books are free to read through kindle unlimited. My books are published under the name “Mae Tanner.”

    For bonus material, see my WordPress page. Note: They’ve disabled posting links on account profiles, so I added spaces, replaced each / with text, and used the (dot) workaround.

  10. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sunday Funday