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AhsokaLived Free

come on people why did thetoadoftheturf and AhsokaLives get banned?? I have no connection with them. NO CONNECTION AT ALL.

Recent Comments

  1. about 4 years ago on Big Nate

    nope. Ahsoka (totally not me) got banned, and I think the imposter guy got banned along with Ahsoka (again, definitely not me) I swear on all that is good Ashoka is not the imposter. I have 2 theories. 1: people flagged Ahsoka’s (not me) BNCSNs bc they were sick of Ahsoka getting featured so much. 2: Ahsoka (100% not me) was banned because he/she was guilty by association. what I mean by that is the imposter commented rude things using the name AhsokaLives so I think maybe just everyone with that name (the real one and the imposter) was banned. but hey, that’s just a theory, a GAME theory!

  2. about 4 years ago on Big Nate

    why did I get banned guys