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jonelphick Free

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  1. 8 days ago on Gray Matters

    I rather think that you are placing your life in other people’s hands…

  2. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    Hearing aid batteries don’t die gradually – they work fine until they stop working altogether. But you always get several warning tones to give you plenty of time to change them.

  3. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    I bought a spiral notebook 15 years ago. Still haven’t used it.

  4. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    I gave away a lava lamp that I’d had for years. The next month they were suddenly back in fashion again…

  5. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    My wife buys stuff at the charity shop and takes it back there a few weeks later.

  6. 9 days ago on Gray Matters

    Why does he say “My wife Katrina…”? In normal speech people say “My wife” or just “Katrina”. Saying “My wife Katrina” suggests he has several of them!

  7. 29 days ago on Gray Matters

    Why do so many people nowadays write ‘a lot’ as if it were one word?

  8. about 2 months ago on Andy Capp

    It’s a comic strip, ffs.

  9. about 2 months ago on Andy Capp

    I very much doubt if Flo will find anything Andy does exciting.

  10. about 2 months ago on Andy Capp

    I wonder why he inserts the word ‘Flo’ in the second panel.