I think it had something to do with the limb breaking off, possibly falling on the roof and doing damage. Which can happen any where you have trees near the house.
Where I live the stores that have calendars have just as many as always. It seemed like they had more of the 365 day calendars, ones with individual pictures of a specific subject and/or famous quotes or sayings. While the calendars probably are used to glance what day it is, I bet most are purchased for the pictures.
In 1950, when the Korean Conflict began, my father joined the Iowa National Guard. In 1953 our county Draft Board thought our community wasn’t sending enough young men to the Armed Forces. My father and another man from my home town who was in the Iowa Guard were drafted into the U S Army.
He went over to Korea, but got there after the armistice had been signed. He went overseas with a Indiana National Guard unit that had been called up.
Now it seems like they do, but they haven’t always. Often it was, “We now join our regularly scheduled programing already in progress.” I remember one time the delay was about 15 minutes, leaving half of a 30 minute show I wanted to watch. Their regular programming began after about 10 minutes of commercials.
I think it had something to do with the limb breaking off, possibly falling on the roof and doing damage. Which can happen any where you have trees near the house.