One says that education is free. This does not mean that teachers are not paid, nor that school buildings come out of thin air. It means that schools and teachers are paid by taxes and not by the individual users. Even those who have no children pay for education (via their taxes) because they were educated when they were children and because we need an educated society. Free/government/subsidized medical care mean sthat taxes (including from those who are healthy) pay for medical care, not that doctors are not paid, nor that wheelchairs fall from the sky.
Note that just about all classic Republicans (entire Bush cabinet and even Trump cabinet, previous military leaders and Secretaries of State, Romney, Cheney, McCain of fabled political dynasties) all oppose Trump. I suppose that BD is no different: a rueful anti-Trump Republican trying to figure out what went wrong with his party.
No, no, the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity only applies to presidents whose last name begins with a T. Am I the only one who read the small print at the bottom?
Exactly my point