The gloves were on the guy glimpsed in the clock tower on 10/27. The killer wore no gloves (11/3), but did sport an odd ring later seen on the guy that lit up the clock, who looked much like Junior from the back (11/28-30).
Nevertheless, Sprengstoff was killed in a TA restroom while Junior Totten was also on the premises paying the drunk Totten employee’s fine right around the time the cameras went out, as seen on 11/1-11/3.
‘Godfrey Daniels’ was a frequent exclamation by Fields, and he once said he wanted his epitaph to read ‘Here lies W.C. Fields. I would rather be living in Philadelphia.’ In those days, the city had practically no nightlife because of strict liquor laws, so Fields considered staying there only marginally better than being dead….
I already have indigestion in anticipation….