Older than I'd like to be, but forever young when it comes to comics and comic strips.
So far Fred Sr. has been depicted as the type who sees only what he wants to see, dismissing and/or delegating the troublesome bits….
‘Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time….’ —Shakespeare (and he died hundreds of years before this story was even written!)
It ain’t exactly torrid down here in Georgia either….
He should ditch that yellow for a cool, calculating all-black look…. and grow another mustache!
Hope all goes well!
8 a.m and we’ve already exceeded our daily minimum requirement of emission admissions….
Why is Tracy talking like Paladin in P3?
If you’re thinking of Lyman, he was Odie’s original owner. Early on, Nermal was said to belong to Jon’s parents, but that was never mentioned again….
“The man who became a legend in his own time….”
As our tale winds down….
So far Fred Sr. has been depicted as the type who sees only what he wants to see, dismissing and/or delegating the troublesome bits….