Dem operatives using the Senate chamber for acts of sodomy? BTW, Byrd? You wouldn’t be related to the Grand Wizard of West Virginia, Robert Byrd, would you?
Leftist conspiracy theories abound in Bidenville. But in the aftermath of such utter rejection, they’ve taken to such things as the reading of tea leaves, where others take note of the directional flight paths of flocks of birds. Nothing seems to assuage their bruised egos. Impossible Dream Biden/Hillary 2028!
The vax was part of it, and more importantly, mandating the vax. Also, putting the Covid infected into nursing homes with the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. I hope that clears things up with your selective memory.
Of course, Garrry is likely lamenting through his alter-ego, Mike; the missed opportunity of ‘lost comic gold’ in not comically critiquing the bungled years of the Biden administration. Alas!
Like fiscally sound, responsive government for the people? The horror! The horror!