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  1. about 10 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    trump inherited a good economy from President Obama and economists were talking about the trump recession in 2019, before Covid, trump only made it worse with his mishandling it. President Biden inherited that. trump ruined a lot of small businesses with his stupid ‘trade wars are easy to win’ philosophy. trump was a disaster for our economy. I’m happy you like deregulation. I hope you enjoy tainted meat, smog and all the rest that deregulation causes.

  2. about 11 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Now tell me one thing trump said that fact checker can corroborate wasn’t a lie, good luck.

  3. about 11 hours ago on Robert Ariail

    Nope, he didn’t tell blatant lie after blatant lie, unlike trump.

  4. about 11 hours ago on Nick Anderson

    Forget it, you are never going to dig yourself out the hole you have dug for yourself, your constant whining about how oppressed you are only get worse and worse.

    Move somewhere more to your liking or stop whining. If you are going to live in a society, be a part of that society.

    Somalia would fit your described picture of paradise. Everyone keeps what they can hold on to. The strong prosper (sort of) and the weak fall by the way, just as you seem to want them to. Out of your sight and mind. No skin off your nose if children go hungry, as long as you have yours.

  5. about 11 hours ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Actually, I think he disrespected alley cats, but it’s a moot point.

  6. about 11 hours ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    I think there might have been one truthful statement buried in that heap of lies somewhere, although if you asked me to pick it out I probably would be stumped.

  7. about 11 hours ago on Nick Anderson

    Uh huh, sure that’s super relevant to the whines and selfish rants you post. What pathetic creature would feel their selfish needs supersede those of the needy within society?

  8. about 12 hours ago on Nick Anderson

    The very fact that you would compare yourself and your whines to the plight of starving children just proves everything I have said about you. The words selfish, greedy, and self-serving are in fact, probably far too kind in describing your anti-social tendencies. Your bringing in a supposed quote from a mythical being does nothing to support your case.

  9. about 13 hours ago on Nick Anderson

    None, and none of yours belongs to me. I fail to see what point you tried to make with that worthless bit of bloviating. We both do owe to the society we live in and I, unlike you, do not whine about paying my fair share.

  10. about 13 hours ago on Steve Breen

    Who said I was having a bad day? Yes, I was mildly disappointed with the debate. They should have had a fact-checker projected on the wall behind the speakers. Your hero’s lies were every bit what I expected. I think trump might have made one true statement over the course of the entire debate, compared to a very honest and truthful night by President Biden.

    Your suggestion that I might have a boy friend is clearly projection on your part. Tell me, do you have one or only wish you did?

    Frankly, I like girls, but if you prefer boys, I have to say, that is your right.