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  1. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Do you play? There is physical effort in driving the ball, walking, and stretching.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Chris Britt

    Tack kit on the walls of the White House, congress, and MSM buildings.

  3. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    That beeping could be Biden’s Life Alert monitor.

  4. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Is there proof that Trump wears an ankle monitor?

  5. about 4 hours ago on Clay Jones

    Isn’t Trump’s golfing considered an active physical sport?

  6. about 20 hours ago on Dana Summers

    “45 string two coherent sentences together”, all the time, everywhere he goes, with no problems. Sometimes I wish he would just shut up, for he repeats himself too much.

  7. about 20 hours ago on Mike Beckom

    I remember when Biden called Saudi Arabia a ‘Pariah.’ Then he went there to “fist bump” and patch things up. How did that go again??? Biden is currently “insulting” Israel by interfering with their objectives. And NATO is still a train wreck. “illegals can’t vote”, yet there are dems pushing for it and there are those trying to make it happen in the blue cities by counting driver’s licenses as a right to vote. And having a good economy globally, does not make things cheaper here at home, which prices have increased sustainably since the Biden regime. And this great nation got divided when Trump won and the dems and MSM started the “lets hate Trump” and “impeach him” campaigns, which is still going on, and I recall Biden said he was going to unify the country and be more transparent, which he has not done neither. You can’t unite a country while insulting half, nor you can’t relate to a country by hiding on the beach or in a basement, and blaming half for problems Biden created.

    Trump is out there and the people see him by the thousands. They are even blocked and prevented at times by anti-Trumpers to get in. (Happened to a friend, they locked hands and wouldn’t let her pass). For Biden, a handful show up when he “tries” to relate to people, which his gaffes are most visible then. Nope, no Biden for me.

  8. 1 day ago on Mike Beckom

    Really??!!! Still LOL. Sorry, my bad for being snarky. Yes, success works in many ways. So dividing the country, killing cheap energy, boosting inflation, allow illegal migration to increase electorally, the democrat voting base, and making us weak on the world stage, could be considered as a success if doing those things is the goal.

  9. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Heck, we all wished for that!!

  10. 1 day ago on Joe Heller

    Yep, that’s democracy fading away, in off into the sunset, as the democrats take it away. Good toon.