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Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Pickles

    I like these with them interacting about daily stuff. Makes me look forward to retirement with my husband. He will be sarcastic as well, but I love their friendship.

  2. 14 days ago on Luann

    Ok this is not about the strip, but any of you guys on iPhone getting that pop-up the block the entire screen and won’t go away it’s been happening for over a week. I’m about to read my comics somewhere else. It’s so frustrating.

  3. 17 days ago on Luann

    I miss the days they actually did holiday strips. Not sure why they avoid it. Well Happy Father’s Day to the dads on here!

  4. about 1 month ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    I feel like Watterson had this happen to him? It’s more personal than most of his arcs.

  5. about 1 month ago on For Better or For Worse

    Was just about to say similar!! And actually didn’t he just start this year? He just left for his first year last fall?

  6. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    I’m glad I read your comment. I thought that was Michael’s girlfriend and thought it so weird she would say that. I forgot about Brian lol.

  7. 4 months ago on Luann

    He likely gets paid to feature their logo! It’s the new trend on tv too.

  8. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    If that’s your argument then all you hate about Trump’s time in office was a direct result of Obama. I actually agree causation in that Trump had to clean up a ridiculous amount of mess from the Democrat party that was in before him. It’s a two party system and they all try to undo what the party did before them. One big problem on this country. But to convince yourself that the success we had in trump and other Republicans’ presidencies had nothing to do with him, and that the terrible inflation and flood of immigrants in the past three years is all based off Trump is so ludicrous I can’t take anyone serious that thinks that way. What makes me sad is that it’s about policy not a person. No president is not full of ego and flaws, some just put on a front and say all the right things you want to hear. If people vote democrat because they truly believe the policies are better for this country, while I disagree, I can at least agree to disagree. But so to say Biden has been a good president and things are better with him in office takes any respect off the table for me. I wish people would learn policy and vote intelligently not emotionally.

  9. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Again it’s all boo hoo I hate trump. My point exactly. Libs are so deep in their anger and self righteousness they can’t see anything but I hate trump. People like you vote with your emotion not your mind. Makes me sad.

  10. 4 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    So much better. Again you only make my point. People still supporting Biden do so based purely off their hate for one person instead of looking at the big picture. You must not be going broke with a family of kids to feed, or trying to find people to work in your small business since so many still don’t want to work, or live in a city where immigrants are piling up. Yes they deserve a better life but letting 7 million in in 3 years doesn’t provide them or other Americans any kind of life. You must not live in CA where business after business is shutting down to the crime due to weak laws that hold nobody accountable. You must not live in a city where crime is an every day occurrence. You must live in your ivory tower thinking everything is just perfect because you don’t understand the reality of what’s happening in this country. You can reply and say all that you will, but anyone who truly has their eyes open, knows what’s happening in this country. But those like you are so blinded by their hate for Trump they refuse understand Republican policy or a way forward; they have to cling to liberal hate. Truly, anyone who thinks the last three years have been positive for this country don’t really deserve an engaged conversation, but there it is. I doubt in my lifetime it will change, but I sure hope so.