My kitty woke me at 4 this morning only to return later and keep sleeping when I had to get up for work at 7. I had to get out of bed around her while she just stretched and rolled over. Wish we could switch indeed.
Technically you can’t copyright a title. It’s so people don’t get weird about one word or generic titles like “Abduction”. But yes it is a sleazy move when its something so specific.
My sister went to her boss last week to ask if anybody proofread a promotional booklet they already mailed out because in very large letters over a picture was “Bessings” instead of Blessings. :P
I get picking out a tree is a fun tradition, but I always loved when we pulled out the big box and the whole family works together to put the tree up while listening to Christmas music on the radio the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Plus you didn’t have to watch a tree die over the holoday season or say goodbye, as Paul has not said goodbye either apparently;]
My kitty woke me at 4 this morning only to return later and keep sleeping when I had to get up for work at 7. I had to get out of bed around her while she just stretched and rolled over. Wish we could switch indeed.