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  1. 8 months ago on Lisa Benson

    SHOCK: Obama Wingman Is Left’s Lone Voice of Sanity as Jacobins Push to Jail Trump“This is already a pretty divided nation and to do something like that—to take somebody off the campaign trail, to put them in jail—I just would be very reluctant to do that,” he said. This reasonable take from Holder came as a surprise to many, especially as the one-time top prosecutor has a history of refusing to uphold the law when it was politically inconvenient. In fact, Holder may have singularly set in motion the disturbing trend of leftist officers of the law engaging in selective enforcement, which has resulted in what many consider to be a troubling two-tiered system of justice based on political ideology and identity politics.

    However, as a singular voice of sanity on the left, Holder now may be holding back a Jacobin mob, according to the American Thinker. It referenced the vengeful mob-rule that emerged following the French Revolution, “imposing a state of revolutionary justice untethered to any sense of Judeo-Christian morality,” in which the ends largely justified the means. “In this last decade, Jacobin justice has been unleashed on everyone from school board protesters to local police to a former president of the United States,” wrote the website’s Jack Cashill.

    “Much of it flows directly from the DOJ, but state and local prosecutors have been keen to launch witch hunts of their own,” Cashill continued. “In doing so, they have corrupted evidence, rigged juries, allowed fear to dictate outcomes, and abandoned all traditional notions of equality before the law.” Following their brutal “Reign of Terror,” the Jacobins eventually were themselves arrested and executed in a backlash known as the “Thermidorian Reaction.”-Headline USA

  2. 8 months ago on Lisa Benson

    He should go back to being registered as a protected, above the law Dim.

  3. 8 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Constitutional, inalienable rights, remember those? Hopeful that Speaker Johnson will adhere, undoubtedly more than any dim speaker would. Dims would like nothing better than violational, malleable to the woke cause of the day rights.

    A new report about IRS home visits has just been released by the House Weaponization of Government Committee, chaired by Ohio congressman Jim Jordan. It outlines disturbing issues, including confirmation that IRS agents making home visits may come without warning, using aliases, and without informing local enforcement agencies of their presence. One of the cases outlined is my own. My home was visited by the IRS while I was testifying before Jordan’s Committee about the Twitter Files on March 9th. Sincere thanks are due to Chairman Jordan, whose staff not only demanded and got answers in my case, but achieved a concrete policy change, as IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel announced in July new procedures that would “end most” home visits.

    Anticipating criticism for expressing public thanks to a Republican congressman, I’d like to ask Democratic Party partisans: to which elected Democrat should I have appealed for help in this matter? The one who called me a “so-called journalist” on the House floor? The one who told me to take off my “tinfoil hat” and put greater trust in intelligence services? The ones in leadership who threatened me with jail time? I gave votes to the party for thirty years. Which elected Democrat would have performed basic constituent services in my case? Feel free to raise a hand.

    If silence is the answer, why should I ever vote for a Democrat again?-Matt Taibbi

  4. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Another lie killing this country and others…

    I was a DEI director — DEI drives campus antisemitismOpinion by Tabia Lee•The blatant antisemitism on college campuses has shocked millions of Americans over the past week and a half. But not me.

    I saw antisemitism on a weekly basis in my two years as a faculty a diversity, equity and inclusion director.

    In fact, I can safely say that toxic DEI ideology deliberately stokes hatred toward Israel and the Jewish people.

    I was hired to head the DEI department at Silicon Valley’s De Anza College in 2021.

    As a black woman, I was the perfect person for the job on paper.

    Yet I made the mistake of trying to create an authentically inclusive learning environment for everyone, including Jewish students.

    Turns out, a toxic form of DEI (which is more accurately called critical social justice) demanded I do the opposite.

    Administrators and lawmakers need to get toxic DEI out of higher education.

    If they don’t, there will be no true diversity and inclusion on campus, but there will be even more shocking hatred toward Jews.-NYP

  5. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Billionaire Democrat Donor Admits He Was Wrong About Trump, Misses Life Under 45’s Administration

    The Democrats’ many wealthy supporters deserve credit when they finally recognize their foolishness. Chamath Palihapitiya, a billionaire venture capitalist who voted Democrat in the last two presidential elections, has admitted his error and praised the work done by the administration of former President Donald Trump. “What those guys did was pretty incredible in hindsight,” Palihapitiya said last week. Those comments came during Friday’s episode of the “All-In Podcast.” Palihapitiya serves as one of four co-hosts for the podcast, discussing economics, tech and other topics. In the brief clip, he began by confessing that he voted for Hillary Clinton and then for Joe Biden. “Every other president found a way to, frankly, make our situation a little bit worse, specifically around wars. He did not do that. And that is a huge accomplishment that I think needs to be acknowledged,” Palihapitiya said. The co-host then described himself as a “Democrat” now “left homeless” and “definitely in the center but probably leaning increasingly right.” Palihapitiya cited the Abraham Accords and other Middle East peace initiatives as “just a real example for the world.” At that point, co-host Jason Calacanis interrupted so as to amplify his comments. “It’s a miracle, actually, when you look at it, what they did, you know,” he said. Calacanis described himself as “no fan of Trump” and “homeless” like his co-host. “But if you want to objectively look at what they did, it was great work,”. Palihapitiya then lamented the damage caused by “T DS.” “It’s now causing us to not see that good work and then embrace and extend it.” “So much of the work that happened in that administration turns out to have been right,” Palihapitiya added. Hecited the border wall, long-term debt and Middle East peace as examples. – The Western Journal

  6. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Research Russ Vought’s comprehensive budget plan. He painfully goes through the spending line items, item by item, highlighting the unconstitutional, weaponized, ideological, wasteful, spending of our tax dollars.

    There is a reason the POS politicians want a socialized, bloated, inefficient government; control of the people and the people’s $ for their donors and their own enrichment.

    The bigger the animal, the bigger the mess. The bigger the mess, the harder to find where the sh!t landed.

    As Dan Bongino says: 1. “Never forget – Republicans may not be the answer to all of your problems, BUT the cause of most of your problems are most certainly the Democrats.”

    2. “If we had a flat tax code rather than a 70,000 page documents full of cronyism and favors, bureaucrats and elected officials wouldn’t have the power to do you any favors. That’s what we need. You would have to compete on your own on a level playing field.”

  7. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Why we need an America First, constitutional speaker:progressivism = funding unvetted, illegal immigration = dissolution of the USA…

    68% to 89% of Palestinians Support Terror Attacks on Israel in PCPO Poll – Democrats Want to Bring One Million to the US

    A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) back in 2014 found that 89% of Palestinians support terror attacks against Israel. That is quite a majority.

    Another poll in 2021 found that 68% of Palestinians support continued attacks on Israel.

    Today, the American left is calling on the United States to take in one million Palestinian refugees from Gaza. Democrats, led by members of the “Squad,” are advocating for the U.S. to open its doors to Palestinian refugees from Gaza.

    Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a New York member of the Socialist-Democratic “Squad,” stated that the U.S. should be prepared to welcome refugees from Palestine while being careful to vet and not allow members of Hamas.

    Democrats really hate this country and hate you, the American people.

    If this happens, it will change America even more than Joe Biden’s open borders.

    God help us.-Gateway Pundit

  8. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Dims have a long history of collaborating with Rhinos supporting America last policies to remain in power and wealth.

  9. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    WWIII because the Biden Cartel is funding it just so they can launder back their 10% for the big guy.

  10. 9 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Why we need a true America First, constitutional speaker: progressivism = soft on crime = Sweden = America’s Future… a third world country.

    MOB RULE Executions, bombings & child assassins – how Sweden became a gangland hell ruled by druglords Kurdish Fox & The GreekSWEDEN has become a gangland bloodbath plagued by executions, bomb attacks, and child soldiers rampaging the streets. Innocent bystanders – including a 12-year-old girl – are being gunned down as a country that was once deemed peaceful and safe becomes a terrifying gangster paradise.

    Now, officials are facing a major challenge as they attempt to restore their country to the peaceful destination it once was. “It’s been a slow process, but it started in Malmo, south of Sweden, around 2010,” says Nikoi Djane, a gangster turned criminologist who grew up around gangs in Stockholm. “And the conviction rate is extremely low for these crimes, which has contributed in people continuing and killing each other.”

    Just two decades ago, Sweden had one of the lowest gun violence deaths per capita in Europe. Now it is at the top of the league – with 2.5 times the European average. Last year, more than 60 people died in shootings in Sweden – the highest on record, and this year is set to be the same or worse.

    Swedish Journalist Peter Imanuelsen said cops in the country are now warning they will “never be able to stop the gangs”.

    “In other words, the almost daily bombings and shootings that is happening has now become the new normal, they say it hasn’t been this dangerous since 1945,” he wrote.