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Puddykat Free

Recent Comments

  1. 21 days ago on FurBabies

    And paw pins versus fabric.

  2. 30 days ago on FurBabies

    Donald has been my favorite since I was a kid, how did I not know his middle name?! Thank you for sharing. I love that you interact with the readers. I know you are actual people with busy lives so it is really nice that you take some time to converse with the readers. Your strip has become a favorite!

  3. 2 months ago on FurBabies

    I am staff these days not a student. Big campus. Therapy dogs/animals are around during finals time for the students. When I would bump into one walking on campus it made my day too. Nothing like giving some scritches to a fur baby to make the day happy.

  4. 3 months ago on Baby Blues

    Nice one!

  5. 3 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    My 10 year old niece has already determined she wants to be a herpatologist. Her mom likes reptiles too so she was allowed to adopt a corn snake. Not the pet for me but I find the snake to be pretty cute.

  6. 4 months ago on FurBabies

    I feel you. I miss my angel kitties. First one I had as just mine was an orange floof (vet said should be a short hair not so much LOL). He started out the size of a camera case and grew into a floof. He only lived six years as he was a runt with bad kidneys but he was the best kitty. Sophmore year of uni I got my califco girls and they lived for 16/17 years. They were sassy kitties who could open drawers/cupboards. They never used claws or teeth on me and were super sweet kitties. I miss them taking up all the room in the bed. I really need to get adopted by a kitty again. Gizmo is a great name by the way. Mine were Moses (we had a Ramses at the time haha) and my girls were Lola and Rosa (they illegally imigrated from Mexico).

  7. 4 months ago on FurBabies

    My mum moves her velcro cat when she can no longer feel her legs or if she must use the puddle prevention execpetion to no moving the sleeping cat rule. He also does the same thing as your Gizzy, King sized bed and she wakes up on the edge LOL. He can go into what we call bity/psycho cat mode sometimes. She pulls the covers over her head to proctect herself from his fangs which he doesn’t like. He will do everything he can to yank the covers off haha.

  8. 4 months ago on FurBabies

    Yes. Very strong magics. so strong we don’t ever move them instead we stay in a very odd uncomfortable sleeping position. LOL

  9. 4 months ago on FurBabies

    pats angel doggie on his head Good boi.

  10. 4 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I don’t have the patience to be a teacher! The most likely outcome would be the principal would walk in and say Puddy, we talked about this, you can’t gorilla tape your students. Hats off to teachers!