Judging from the quantity and general tone of these comments over the past year or so, followers of My Comics appear to be 97% political progressive socialists, and possibly even clinically obsessed with gut-wrenching hatred and TDS from their first morning breath until their last of the day. It’s sad, and a rather pathetic way to exist, if a single personality can affect you that deeply. If that describes you, I wish you the best as you work to recover by clawing your way out of this psychological hole you have dug (and in many cases continue to dig) even after losing a simple election.
Nine days.. We shall see, Grasshoppers. I am a huge fan of Mr. Trudeau’s work, but he is a perfect demonstration that possessing spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime talent in a specific area of art, craft, or even science does not necessarily equate to a similar capacity for perceptive political reasoning.
Small critters have very sensitive noses and don’t seem to like the odor of moth balls. If you can stand the smell, try leaving a small (well-punctured) sandwich bag of mothballs inside the car and in it’s engine compartment, or maybe dropping a few in the dashboard defroster vents. I’m told by some farmer friends that strategically placed moth balls seem to help keep mice from moving in and chewing up the wiring on farm equipment in barns and such. I have personally encouraged skunk families to permanently move out by throwing a bunch of moth balls into their den area back under my deck and patio.
Graham Grammar & Spelling Police: “Belligerent”. :)