No bio available
It’s dark in his Mommy’s basement and he needs attention !!
Much like Trump, Fern actually believes all the crap he spews out is true. Doesn’t have the analytical skills to know better. Low IQ.
Did he miss something there ? Maybe a trademark or two ? Maybe the financing of a hotel ?
A beautiful and fitting tribute Mr. Benson, thank you !!
Speedy recovery to you both !!
Incel !!
Sorry, I lost control. It’s just so mind numbingly stupid !!
The economy tanked under your Mango Mussolini and the idiot Republican before him. At least say something that isn’t so obviously stupid. Never mind, just go back to licking Trump’s ample a$$ !!
Ginni copping a squat !! Thomas class !!
Its latest incarnation, it is neither black nor a woman and certainly not strong.
It’s dark in his Mommy’s basement and he needs attention !!