I used to managae my father-in-law’s pawnshop in Columbus, Oh. We had a payphone on the side of the building, Ohio Bell(yeah that’s dating myself), used to pay us a commission for the phone calls made from it. We used to listen to people screaming at whoever they were talking to, then they would start banging the reciever into the phone. Ameritech, which is the company Ohio Bell turned into, finally took the phone off the side of the building as it was to expensive to keep repairing it. So, more peaceful, I don’t think so.
My wife never knew how to get her voicemail, so her mailbox has always been full. I recently retired, and now have time to keep her voicemail empty. I think she’s ready to divorce me!
Has Stephen Pastis been cancelled from Facebook, and Twitter, and deplatformed over this strip yet? Ya gotta love a country that allows free speech, eh?
I used to managae my father-in-law’s pawnshop in Columbus, Oh. We had a payphone on the side of the building, Ohio Bell(yeah that’s dating myself), used to pay us a commission for the phone calls made from it. We used to listen to people screaming at whoever they were talking to, then they would start banging the reciever into the phone. Ameritech, which is the company Ohio Bell turned into, finally took the phone off the side of the building as it was to expensive to keep repairing it. So, more peaceful, I don’t think so.