Comments were response to POSTED comments – NOT the comic. Not that I – or anyone – could POSSIBLY care less about your objections. If you don’t like the comments – “Don’t READ Them”!!!
I’d have suggested that he’d be objectionable to ANYone with even the slightest integrity or interest in the public good. But that >clearly< excludes the current administration (and the sycophants who blindly empower it, in the interest of benefitting themselves with their kneecap-sucking…not to mention the ones who VOTED for it, against all better judgement – or perhaps they’re still puking the kool-aid they drank during the last go-round…).
Great comment – since childhood, through about a dozen Star Wars movies…I’ve marveled at how incompetent, fragile, and ineffective Stormtroopers are. I think when they cloned them (in prequel #2?) they must’ve used ’rump’s kid for the starter batch.
Yuh-huh. 1,461 days – and the DECADES it’ll take to recover from the wreckage that this administration (and the kneecap-sucking sycophants who support it – INCLUDING the elected ones) will have wrought.
Comments were response to POSTED comments – NOT the comic. Not that I – or anyone – could POSSIBLY care less about your objections. If you don’t like the comments – “Don’t READ Them”!!!