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HenryBrandao Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on FoxTrot

    Well, the Ergodic Hypothesis says that with an infinite universe, everything that doesn’t have a probability of 0 will happen eventually. So, maybe he was just lucky?

  2. over 3 years ago on FoxTrot

    I calculated it, and it’s roughly a 1 in 141,167,100,000,000 (about 150 trillion) chance. Since FoxTrot has been going since 1988, that’s 33 years, plus 15 years for before the strip (since he was one year old), so Peter eats roughly 2,940,981,300,000 (about 3 trillion) bowls of cereal per year. Divide that by the number of days in a year, and you get 8,051,967,967.15 (about eight billion) bowls of cereal per day. This means that he somehow eats 5,591,644.42163 (about six million) bowls of cereal per minute, or 93,194.0736938 bowls of cereal per second, 24/7.