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bat-in-black Free

I am a doodle in the margins, self taught cartoonist. Skills acquired by drawing other cartoonists cartoons. I am a "lefty." In grade school I was forced by my 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Sprag, to become a "righty." Whenever trying to do anything lefty, she shrieked. I tried to be a righty but it was futile. I learned to keep my eye on her so I could quickly switch hands. On Valentines day, Sprag set out a glass jar with scissors. I marveled at the single pair of green handled scissors stamped, "Lefty." I Gleefully, & with ease began cutting a heart. So tuned in, I forgot about Sprag. She came from behind, snatched the scissors and twisted them useless. No mind. I learned to cut left handed by flipping the scissors. The darkest moment, black as ink, came when she tied my left arm down. I am a lefty.

Recent Comments

  1. 12 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    I didn’t know Wallace’s dad was a pizza face.

  2. 12 months ago on Wallace the Brave

    The G.O.A.T.

  3. 12 months ago on WuMo

    That is the issue.

  4. about 1 year ago on Wallace the Brave

    Mommy Dearest. Did you ever see that movie about Joan Crawford? Not such a nice mom.

  5. about 1 year ago on WuMo

    There would be no problems if it were Bud Light.

  6. about 1 year ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Money may not buy happiness, but it makes being miserable a whole lot easier.

  7. about 1 year ago on WuMo

    That is still under debate and probably will be. I tend to think that what you say is true. However, drag isn’t necessarily about being gay. Cross dressers are straight men who like to dress as women.

  8. about 1 year ago on WuMo

    Such nonsense! The Biden brothers own an island called Water Island. It is a boat ride away from Epstein’s island.

  9. about 1 year ago on WuMo

    Robert Miller is right. Libertarians believe in maximum freedom, personal choice and responsibility. If you screw up your life it is on you and not society. Libertarians are for a smaller and less controlling government.

  10. about 1 year ago on WuMo

    And where do you get that statistic? Men who dress in drag are not necessarily gay. Nor are they necessarily looking to become transgender. There is ZERO educational value in drag queen story hour for elementary children. But we are seeing more than that. They are dressing scantily; dancing and kids are encouraged to tip them like they were strippers. Kids should not be exposed to that sort of behavior.