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  1. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    We don’t actually get PE, mind you. One year is enough my school states. I’ve tried paying attention in class, but none of it stimulates me. The only thing stimulating about class is the bell at the end, freeing you of your confinement. Still, you haven’t provided any way to “get creative” in ways to move around. 99% of the time I’m trapped on my desk unable to leave for the next two hours, and there’s teachers and security guards giving you the stink eye if you dare do anything that’s considered “a distraction”. Most, or if not all of the subjects are useless if our careers have nothing to do with them. I want to become an animator or film editor, nothing to do with language arts, math, science, or history. I want to study law! Nothing to do with language arts, math, science, or history. I want to be a mechanic! Only involves math, and probably not what you learned in school. I want to be a designer! Only involves math. I want to code! Nothing to do with language arts, math, science, or history. I want to make clothes! Has nothing to do with language arts, math, science, or history. You can see my point here. If these classes are sooo essential, why can’t we perform jobs that require these instead of taking a class in college or university that only covers a very specific part of a certain subject? If you hate kids like me, you probably know how we feel about kids like you. I don’t mind if you like school, but when you start saying stuff like this, there’s a problem.

  2. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    So they can take away the thousands of money I’ve saved up for university because “they own me”. I could have my own house, and my parents could just take it from me because “they own me”. Nobody owns humans.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Innocent before guilty, just because I’m good at math doesn’t mean I’m a cheater.

  4. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Not all of them, mind you. Teachers can be monsters in a student’s POV: Six different 50 question packets assigned today and due next Monday. Screaming at you because you don’t understand a concept, etc.

  5. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Out of the seven hours per day, we get a total of 30 minutes of break time! And when we’re supposed to be on holiday, we get assigned a 60 page packet! The work is useless when your career doesn’t involve anything you learned in school, a grand majority doesn’t. And yes, school forces you to take notes in class, that’s 95% of class time. Plus, school doesn’t accept “I need to move around” as a reason to use the toilet or get water, they couldn’t care less. Kids need something that actually stimulates their mind, they’re humans need I remind you. They’re full of energy and imagination, and we’re restraining them to sit down on a chair for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, from August to June. If someone’s depressed, I’ll just tell them to be happy. You say “get creative”, but you never said how. If someone’s depressed, I’ll just tell them to be happy.

  6. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Dude you’re obsessed with Mario

  7. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    When you twist me saying “education isn’t for every kid”, then yes, it is the dumbest statement you’ve heard. But, I said specified “school”. In school, all you is sit down for 7 hours without break, mindlessly do tasks with no meaning, etc, and I doubt it’s necessary in life to go through that. I’ll rephrase my statement:

    Sometimes the system of how school shoves it’s “education” down kids’ throats isn’t for every kid, because some of them learn differently rather than “take notes, pay attention, be quiet and still for 7 hours”.

  8. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Didn’t know millennials was a derogatory term now. It was just a name of a generation before.

  9. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Actually, he does in a way. Your dreams are portrayed by real-life experiences, which is why certain types of therapists ask people about their dreams.

  10. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    It’s not because it makes you dumber, that’s probably from some silly parenting article where their only evidence is “trust me guys”. Your parents probably don’t let you watch it because it can be immature and silly, since there’s people who aren’t into that stuff, and that’s fine.