
sangwin80 Free

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  1. 1 day ago on Fred Basset

    My cat Setsu takes a nap in my livingroom recliner every day, usually from about 1:30PM to 3PM. At 3PM, give or take 15-20 minutes, I show up and carefully remove him from my chair. I then usually find him again – about 6 or 7PM napping on my bed. One things cats do love, and follow closely, is their nap routines.

  2. 5 days ago on Rose is Rose

    Well, she is a cat, you know. On the couch by ones self means no human body heat. And, as all we cat lovers know, cats are the original ‘heat seeking devices’.

  3. 5 days ago on The Middletons

    And then, from there, they just kept on growing. For a while.

  4. 7 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    And we’re supposed to believe anything that comes out of the dumpsters mouth? Haven’t heard him speak the truth or anything that represents logical thinking since he came on the scene years ago.

  5. about 1 month ago on Pooch Cafe

    After living with cats for the last 60 years, I don’t think I could live without at least one. My current little partner loves to cuddle with me, clean my neck, while loudly purring. Daughter with whom I now live feels the same about her “love buddy”.

  6. about 1 month ago on Garfield

    My (now deceased) son loved the Minnesota Vikings. He also loved his favorite place on their very large property – beside a river running through a State of Florida forest. He had a hammock hanging between the trees, a large tree stump – complete with TV set with its own antenna, the electricity strung down the hill from the house. His Sundays throughout the football season were spent in that hammock. Of course, there was some beers in the cooler. I miss him so much.

  7. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury

    Don’t you mean “the Maggots”? That’s what I call ’em.

  8. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    My cat is a mixture, some of this, some of that. Found in the wild when still a kitten. He eats soft food delicately with his front paw – dip in the food, lick off your paw, repeat until plate is empty. Dry food is nose in the bowl. He loves to come on my bed at night to clean my neck, when he feels the need for a daytime nap he climbs on my lap, purring loudly, cleans my neck and then expects me to pick him up and place him in my living room chair for his nap. My daughter thinks maybe he was saved or captured by a racoon or possum, thereby learning to eat with paws before being saved by good people.

  9. about 1 month ago on Mike Luckovich

    I’ve seen presidents from FDR to Biden (yes, I’m very old) and currently I’m extremely concerned for what could happen to our country if the ‘orange one’ were to be re-elected. He wants to be a dictator, heck, he wants to rule the world. And, for whatever reasons the MAGAs can’t see, if he were to be back in power, it most likely would be the destruction of our country and freedoms as we know them now. PLEASE, vote BLUE!!!

  10. about 2 months ago on Baldo

    And one of my favorite sentences from one of her songs “Don’t put bananas in the refrigerator”. This was back in the ’40s. Am still following her advice.