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  1. about 3 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    My all-time favorite Calvin and Hobbs are the snowman episodes!

  2. about 3 years ago on Lisa Benson

    vac·ci·na·tion /ˌvaksəˈnāSH(ə)n/Treatment with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.Have you listened to yourself? “I’ve had three shots and keep getting re-infected do [due] to unvaccinated idiots…” If you’ve been inoculated three times and are still getting the disease, then what you’re receiving is NOT a vaccine.

    As to its limited, if any, effectiveness – “…so far it’s not any worse that [than] a mild flu.” Amazing, for the majority of us who have not received the inoculation, the results of catching the disease have also only caused mild flu symptoms.

    If your immune system is already compromised, then do what you need to do, but stop shaming everyone else who has done as much research as you have.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Some people just don’t appreciate talent when they see (hear) it! :)