Littleozaid's Profile

littleozaid Free
in the October of 2020, I had to make an essay on charlie brown for school And since then I've been reading all the Peanuts Comics since the 1950s I usually really like the history of cartoons, and well when I was little I really Edmired Charlie brown so I wanted to look back on it and right now I'm doing some homework so I kinda sound Boring in a way idk XD Anyway I know My profile looks weird but I have gotten a little better since then I started drawing in 3rd grade and then started doing it again in 6th grade cus well I've kinda been a little depressed in a way since 5th grad over some Stupid thing But I think I'm getting happier I've mostly always Wanted to be a Cartoonist and Hopefully ill get better ps XD idk if I have the patience to animate But I've had a comic series in the back of my head since 1st grade that I've wanted to make pss XD why are my ps´s about the same size as my entire thing OKIE ima end it now CYA! AND I couldn't find the file for my Profile..
Lol this actually happened to e alot