As Dad said when he became syndicated with Bozo in late 1945, “If I can bring a smile each day, I will be satisfied.” The feud between Bozo and police officers was simply designed to get that smile and hopefully now and then a belly laugh. Dad had nothing against law enforcement, which is a serious matter. And, generally speaking, the more serious the situation the greater opportunity for humor. I wasn’t aware Bozo was picking on a particular office. Thanks. I’ll look out for that.
Totally agree, tinstar. Dad developed Bozo over a period of 34 years. Another cartoonist, despite having great talent, could not just take the strip over. Many thanks for your very kind comment and for being a Bozo follower.
Thanks you, judeye, for such kind comments. Really leaves me speechless! Your following of the strip is more than appreciated. In behalf of Dad, a great many thanks!!
Thank you. Will comply.