Nothing sequesters so-called ‘excess’ CO2 better than trees. If this solar farm is about saving the environment and addressing ‘climate change,’ it’s wrong-headed in the extreme.
Typical of the Left. If they can’t control your speech (or even understand your argument), they react with a belligerent, self-righteous rage intended to stop the conversation. You can’t argue or even discuss a topic that conflicts with their preferred narrative.
Maybe one can argue that insurance bureaucrats are practicing medicine, but the argument makes no sense if you bring the actual terms of the underlying health insurance policy into the discussion. Think about all of the medical services (cosmetic and sex change surgeries for example) being mandated by states for covered services. That would fit neatly within your argument (that the states are practicing medicine).
This constant (and misleading) reference to health insurance as health care makes any conversation about reforming the health insurance market blown up under Obamacare difficult, if not impossible.
Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.