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  1. about 17 hours ago on Endtown

    I was thinking that Injured Rat would get medical treatment, but this is so kind to him that he’s likely dead. No work tomorrow. Sleep in all you want.On the other hand, I’m reminded of the scene (there was cut footage, I think. oh and please don’t start arguing about S.T. minutia. It’s where Doc McCoy was.) from the Star Trek II movie where Scotty takes the turbolift to the bridge with an injured cadet- it’s the wrong location to take people!

  2. 2 months ago on Endtown

    Merry Christmas! And beans to all.

  3. 6 months ago on Endtown

    Pity the man who’s armed with a crate of beans during the gun-heavy apocalypse prepping. Sure, he’ll eat, but he doesn’t want to. There’s no way to hide that sort of rat-a-tat-tat.

  4. 9 months ago on Endtown

    I don’t miss Flask, she was too destructive to her own side. I just miss her let’s get things done attitude, and her “unclearly meant to be cheesecake of some sort” looks.

  5. 9 months ago on Endtown

    “A penny from a hundred people is a dollar, but it still won’t get you cab fair.” The whole “life draining” thing needed a better explanation. Alien tech is not the same as alien-to-you tech made by humans. The Ship seemed to want to keep the Program running until the human component wore out, not life-draining by vampiring the people it had hooked up. Sometimes Endtown has a lot of travel to the end of an arc, but the reasons for what happened aren’t there.

  6. 9 months ago on Endtown

    That’s a thing that always gets overlooked for a story. How long does it take? Flash Gordon doesn’t wait for the bus. If you were being strict about it, many stories would have had only one or two adventures per characters before retiring them from old age. Wally, and his “accidental time travel” he hopes. Endtown might not last 10 years, or it might have started growing enough food by then. And a new generation of ET’ers that would be causing more trouble out in the wastelands. But a good question is- How old is Holly?

  7. 9 months ago on Endtown

    They’d just use that to cook beans. Some crying over said beans, too.

  8. 9 months ago on Endtown

    Yes, that. There was a thing that was supposed to misinform the Toppers, so it would make sense that there are misinformed Toppers.

  9. 9 months ago on Endtown

    Cat, dog, panda, bear, all look the same when drawn as a late-30’s housewife.Also, wasn’t there a line from the Topsiders about all the Eden-towners being reoccurring/important cardoodles? They’re all supposed to have a useful amount of Star Power. The tv star kind, not the hero with a unshielded stellar energy source kind.

  10. 10 months ago on Endtown

    That’s because they’ve got a hare trigger.