When I was Hammie’s age, my dad had me fetching his beer or wine for him every evening at supper time. I don’t think this messed me up in any way. On the contrary, I think the fact that it was handled so casually made me less inclined to start drinking at a young age. Alcohol was something I could eazily have gotten, probably without anyone noticing, so there was no particular fascination with it. So, I very much disagree with Wanda, here. While not exactly award-worthy, this was a perfectly fine fatherhood moment. If anything, by reinforcing the idea that beer is totally forbidden, Wanda is the one being a bad parent.
I’m already about 2,000 miles from my mom, and I find that is enough to get this benefit. No need to move somewhere that literally doesn’t have a breathable atmosphere.
Same moral as last Sunday’s strip.