Is he really that clueless? This is the time Tiff needs to take a moment and realize that the smart thing is to head out the door and not look back. Run Triff Run!
That backfired. Not the response Tiffany was looking for. She should leave before she makes a complete fool of herself and Stef shows up and pulls out her hair.
If we are going in the direction of Stef breaking the window, did she also sneak in and push Tiffany down the stairs, making this uglier than it already is?
I don’t think you fully understand the brilliance of the electoral college. It makes it possible for even rural areas vote to count and allows a wider perspective on where the country stands. Popular vote would have the larger urban areas to run the county. A can
One could almost feel sorry for Stef she wasn’t such a,selfish empty headed plaything. What happens when she is no longer a cheerleader and Kip is long gone? Her identity will be gone. Bitter, bitter, bitter.
Is he really that clueless? This is the time Tiff needs to take a moment and realize that the smart thing is to head out the door and not look back. Run Triff Run!