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- about 3 years ago on Jeff Danziger
about 3 years ago
on Jeff Stahler
Define the term “military grade weapon?” What exactly do YOU mean by the term? You see, the military uses the same “grade” of weapon as the public, since they are all made by the same companies. Now, if you claim that any weapon used by the military is a “military grade weapon,” and you think the general public should not have access to those “weapons,” then you no longer can have a knife, since the military uses knives. You can no longer have hands and feet, arms or legs, because again, they military uses them as weapons (yes, military personnel are trained to use all body parts as weapons). Next, please tell me where in the US Constitution it states that civilians can only have weapons that are not used by the military. Did you know that when written, civilians were not only allowed to have the same weapons as the military, but encouraged to have those same weapons. Yes, the EXACT SAME WEAPONS as the military had. After all, how could a civilian force oppose a dictatorial government if they could not have the capability to overthrow it (which is what the Second Amendment was written for)?
about 3 years ago
on Steve Breen
Hence we should not be using “electric vehicles.” I also think we need to open the US rare earth material mines up, so we, the US, can get our own raw materials.
about 3 years ago
on Mike du Jour
Zebrastripes You tell us, at what point do YOU think that a protest becomes “idiotic and stupid?” Is it when they have burned down the city? When they have killed innocent civilians and police officers? Is it when they have taken over parts of the city claiming that it is no longer part of the US? Isi t when they have destroyed billion of dollars of public and private property?
about 3 years ago
on Jeff Danziger
When looking at electric vehicle versus ICE vehicles, you should look at it from the beginning, not just the finished product. In reality, electric vehicles po;ute more, when looked at it his way. First, electric vehicles need certain rare earth metals and materials to be build and operational. Unfortunately, only china allows for those to be mined, and they do so by destroying the environment (they do not use environmentally friendly mining techniques, as required in western nations), using large heavy polluting ICE vehicles, and mostly powering their mines with coal fired electrical plants. Then, they use ICE vehicles (trains and trucks) to transport the raw materials to coal fired electrical plants to process the raw materials to usable form. Then they use the same transportation to get the processed materials to manufacturing plants and/or shipping points. Then there is the actual vehicle, which is made up on mostly petroleum based products (plastic), in order to make them lighter (of course, this is also an issue with the so called “fuel efficient” ICE vehicles). The vehicle also contains a battery that is very environmentally unfriendly. When it has reached the end of its useful life, it becomes a toxic waste product. Of course, most of the electric vehicle is non recyclable (or very expensive to recycle), so also becomes a toxic waste product. Then if there happens to be an accident, the fumes from all of the burning toxic parts of the vehicle produce more (and very toxic) pollution that the average ICE vehicle would produce in 5 years of use. One environmental company estimated that a prius (a hybrid vehicle) had a larger carbon footprint (when looked at from raw material to extinction) than a military hummer.
about 3 years ago
on Steve Breen
Maybe you are “still buying their stuff,” but real Americans are not. I will bet you even use apple products, right? All apple products are made by CCP slave labor and contain CCP spyware. America should not have sent any participants to china, nor should any other country. As a matter of fact, there should be a total worldwide ban on all CCP made products.
about 3 years ago
on Bottom Liners
Note date at bottom, 2/4/22. Nope, they got it correct, nothing true come out of the biden White House. Of course the dodeling old senile fool has no clue as to what is actually happening around him, or in his name as the head of his admin. Hell, he had to have his wife hold his hand and show him how to get to the exit and make sure he did not fall down.
about 3 years ago
on Gary Varvel
Woopie should not be fired, but then, none of the other people fired for saying dumb things should have been either. Cancel culture needs to stop. People need to stop calling for the termination of others that use their freedom of speech rights (either intentionally or not), just because they do not agree with the speech given.
about 3 years ago
on Michael Ramirez
So, you really think “counseling” would stop a career criminal and chronic speeder from speeding? Of course, I will bet you want “re-education camps” set up all over the country, you know, to stop people from having freedom of thought, speech, and not following your every eddict, even the ones that are unConstitutional, right?
about 3 years ago
on Bob Gorrell
Now, post all of the verifiable, factual evidence, with named sources, of all the alleged criminal activity you believe that President Trump committed, with the dates and dates of conviction.
Read the entire article, it states the lifetime of the manufactured vehicle, and does not include the process form start to finish. It also does not include what is done after the lifetime of the vehicle, including cost to recycle if possible and the waste generated for parts that cannot/will not/are too expensive to be recycled. It also discounts the amount of pollution produced in china to gain the raw materials, where they do not follow clean or environmentally friendly mining practices (they strip mine most materials and do not restore the environment after they strip it of all natural resources).