I’m sure one might make a case that a finial is not a mere knob, but since the only rhyme for finial is perineal, perhaps that’s Fate’s way of hinting that only an a-hole would pursue it further ;-)
just KNEW there would be a reference to newel coming. Saved us the trouble ;-) HOWEVER – you’re going to have to find a rhyme for finial, since that’s what his hand is actually touching
I had considered writing a limerick if only I could find a convincing rhyme for hydrocephaly… but it’s too late now to get any traction even if I did, so no…
I’m sure one might make a case that a finial is not a mere knob, but since the only rhyme for finial is perineal, perhaps that’s Fate’s way of hinting that only an a-hole would pursue it further ;-)