No bio available
Yes, cable TV has been around since 1948. I grew up in a valley in southeast Minnesota, where you could only pick up one station with an antenna, so we had cable which gave all three networks, PBS and other stations from the Twin Cities.
Sluggo can you spare a dime?
As well as not freaking out when encountering a kid holding two pistols.
Sluggo is hit.
In the followup strip, Nancy tries out for the Boston Red Sox
In tomorrow’s strip, he encounters a former millionaire.
Once I built a railroad
I made it run
Made it race against time
Once I built a railroad, now it’s done
Sluggo, can you spare a dime?
I like all of these guest artists better than Jaimes. Visually way more interesting and much less wordy.
No more meta-stories please.
Gifts from his Uncles.
Hopefully, when she’s back from her sabbatical there will more visual gags and less of the wordiness
Yes, cable TV has been around since 1948. I grew up in a valley in southeast Minnesota, where you could only pick up one station with an antenna, so we had cable which gave all three networks, PBS and other stations from the Twin Cities.