
MalikAli Free

Hi I am Malik and I am a real fan of big Nate and crabgrass. I love gocomics and I found it August 30th, 2020. I Started commenting April 15th or 16th. I love reading daily strips.

Recent Comments

  1. over 3 years ago on Big Nate

    lincoln i am sorry for this mad comment but will you please just have them meet now. The storyline has already gone for a week but you have done nothing but have teddy and francis endlessly talk. What is the point of this. Can we just know her name already. I have been really excited since this storyline has started but every night it is the exact same story where I think they finally get to the point but yet again see teddy francis just talking instead of walking over. My guess is your going to leave a cliffhanger tommorow

  2. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    I am looking at the bncw. nice you need to sign in or anything

  3. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Well you can not just use an elder excuse too stand up for trudy. Nate has given up so much for her including dee dees party and a real cartoonist. Nate barely even enjoyed hanging out with the seventh graders. Trudy is acting very childish and Nate is the one who is being mature in this situation. After all he gave up for her he asks to eat lunch with his freinds and thats to much. Trudy is forgetting that Nate has other people in his life. I honestly liked this relationship and did not want it to end but if this is how trudy is gonna act it better.

  4. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    My favorite you man. I am currently trying to read all your strips.I have been checking daily since august.keep uo the good work.

  5. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    And for one year i do a lot of chores to deserve it

  6. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    I get 80 to 150 every year on a holiday. nothing weekly allowance. But it is good

  7. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    The one thing i like about Nate is that when he’s annoying, everybody gets annoyed with him and I feel bad because it’s just that he so so optimistic witch I like. His family could learn a thing or two from him about positivity.

  8. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    I hate jenny to the moon and back. She is an evil person. Even if Nate does not listen to her when she tells him she does not like him, that is not an excuse to get so violent. Nate has done an inumerable amount of things for her. He never acted that physical before. If Jenny really hates Nate and wants him to stop, she could just tell a teacher. I honestly do not know why Nate even likes her because if I were Nate I would have lost interest in jenny the first time she ever got that hard handed. The more annoying part is that Jenny’s a girl so Nate can not get physical with her. The truth is jenny never even gave him a chance except for when time where he was her second option. It was a dance or maybe a bufffet but Nate literally leaped across the lockers in the hallway because that was how happy he was. But jenny then slandered him behind his back. It was on jun 3rd 1998. Well I am happy because nates crush on jenny ended once he broke up with trudy. But jenny is the character that I will always hate the most.

  9. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    Teddy was way more agreeable with nate in these early strips.

  10. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    I did not say it is about me. I am not the only one who is getting frustrated about this spamming. even rlingcomics in rage mode said he was going to take the night off. Almost half of the comments on this strip were about this spamming. People are distracted from what we are really supposed to discuss which is big Nate. Therefore please do not accuse me about thinking only about myself.