
JenniferFarrell Free

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  1. over 3 years ago on Luann

    I hope you treat the people in your life much better than you seem to think Bernice should treat her (supposedly) best friend. Luann asked, in concern, if something had happened on Bernice’s date after Bernice gave the odd response of not talking about it. Which really was an odd response to her best friend, unless something went very wrong, so of course that would be a moment of concern for Luann. At that point, Bernice should have calmly said something like, “Lu, I just need some time to think and then we can talk.” Instead, she tried to pretend she was all rational and had a plan (without Luann really knowing what she meant). Luann, then thinking okay, well it doesn’t sound like Bernice is really upset or hurting, starts to ask another, reasonable question and Bernice whips around and screams at her. Screams. It was completely uncalled for.

    So, yeah. That is apology-needed level of behavior. I’m amazed at the number of people defending it. I guess you all just yell at your friends and loved ones all the time when they are concerned about you, because they aren’t “minding their own business”? Seems like a terrible way to acknowledge people care about you and want to show they are there for you.

  2. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    When they were younger, I think Bernice was snarky but not necessarily mean. That’s changed, though. She’s become rather insufferable and her biting remarks are now often heavily tinged with a condescending arrogance that makes her extremely unpleasant. From turning into the Dorm Monitor from Hell to the way she acted when she thought Luann had a boy in her room, (which was none of her business one way or the other; her RA duties ended when she moved into Luann’s family home) she’s just not likable any more.

  3. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    Ya know, when people ask me,“What’s the secret to your 31 year marriage? You two still act like newlyweds!” my answer has never been, “Well, it helps that we’re both insanely possessive and controlling and absolutely forbid any friendships with the opposite sex!” Just sayin’. Obviously, YMMV.

  4. almost 4 years ago on Luann

    This was never about Gunther. I believe we are going to find out Bets was very unpopular and bullied as a child. I suspect one (if not the) reason will be a lack of money – that she was shunned for being poor and probably very poorly dressed/groomed. She’s nerdy enough that she likely did well academically, but she retreated into a fantasy world of sci-fi cosplay where she could be any hero/figure she wanted that wasn’t herself.

    She has been controlling and jealous like any immature, insecure girlfriend who has no experience with an equal, adult relationship. Her obsession with pleasing her “fans” is a result of her (mistaken) belief that internet strangers giving you thumbs-up means you are popular and well-liked and that these people she doesn’t even really know are her “friends.”

    The money issues turned her into someone who charges 50% of the profits to “help” her boyfriend"s friend. And it turned her into someone determined to make it as an internet “influencer.”

    This dinner was not supposed to be an actual romantic night with her boyfriend. She even refered to Tiff’s efforts as “mushy.” Bets does not live in the real world very much. She’s turned her life (and to large extent Gunther’s) into one big stage show, complete with costumes and sets where she pretend to have a fun, romantic dinner with her beau for the entertainment of her online “friends.” (Hello, pirate theme. That $300 was supposed to build her an elaborate stage for her make believe world that she would have then showed off to those fans; it was a double investment. One part to playact for fans and one part an investment in her influencer brand.) She freaked out when Tiff gave her a nice dinner for two that would have made her take the night off from her acting and just be with Gunther.

    Can she be “redeemed”? Sure. But she has a long way to go, a lot of growing up to do, and a lot of apologies to make. Perhaps Gunther’s declaration will be enough to set her off down that road.