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yea, its literally the same thing that happened with Trudy i think when someone brought up Jenny with them.
Not really idiot it would appear to be more like this arc is simply showing peer pressure in kids these days, its a sad arc but I think something like this might actually happen in real life.
I like this arc, its soccer which we’ve seen before but the issue introduced is hilarious!
When I say bye to someone and they don’t say bye back.
You know that anytime someone has an opinon on the internet someones gonna disagree, also me personally think the strip was funny.
Well either way the arc just keeps getting juicer and juicer!
Me personally think they would become a couple but it would be ruined by some stupid reason.
No its been done before remember, the mobile libary van?
Ultimate plot twist: Daphne actually likes Chad lol.
No Jenny just hated how Nate was always tryna get her now he isnt so there just friends.
yea, its literally the same thing that happened with Trudy i think when someone brought up Jenny with them.