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  1. 6 months ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    This is factually false on many levels. Every time Israel has attacked Gaza it was in response to rocket attacks on civilians by them (while Israel was only targeting the rocket-launch sites and terrorist infrastructure). There is absolutely zero basis for the claim that Israel “kills dozens of Palestinians weekly”. Referring to Israel as an “occupation” is an antisemitic distortion of history. Since Hamas uses civilians as human shields, yes there are unfortunately casualties, but to say Israel needlessly targets civilians is vile antisemitism reflecting willful ignorance of Israeli history.

  2. 7 months ago on Ted Rall

    Yes, local Arabs did live in Israel before 1948. So did Jews – who have lived there practically continuously for over 3,000 years. In 1948 the Jews happily agreed to a 2-state solution with the Arabs, but the Arabs immediately attacked the Jews and denied that they had any right to the land. Ever since then the Palestinians have never managed to get a government together that recognizes Israel’s right to exist and is seriously interested in peaceful coexistence, rejecting time and again offers for a 2 state solution and celebrating and rewarding terrorist operations against Jews and Israeli-Arabs. Israel wants peace, and while many Arabs do too, their governments don’t. As it is, though, 20% of Israel’s citizens are non-Jews, including millions of Palestinian Israelis.

  3. 7 months ago on Matt Wuerker

    Civilian casualties are terrible, but this comic is completely false – Israel does not bomb indiscriminately, they are extremely careful about bombing terrorist sites only. It makes it harder when the terrorists are hiding and building in civilian infrastructure, but Israel does its best. War is messy.If you actually read what the Gazans have to say, the real enemy of the Palestinian people is Hamas. The only way to give a better life to them and for all peoples in the region is by wiping out Hamas.

  4. 7 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    This is 100% false. Israel doesn’t bomb hospitals, despite the fact that it knows Hamas uses them to hide out and plan their operations.

  5. 7 months ago on Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons

    Actually, there are millions of Palestinian Israelis that have the same rights as everyone else, the Jewish people have lived in Israel for thousands of years, Hamas was also voted into power by the population, and Bibi has never called for the death of Palestinian civilians and has taken extraordinary steps to defend them – but in any war, especially in densely populated areas, civilian casualties are inevitable. The Gazans themselves blame Hamas for what’s happening to them, as Hamas refuses to surrender or give back the remaining hostages. Israel has offered a two-state solution to the Palestinians very similar to the original proposed borders (which only didn’t work out because they immediately attacked Israel) in exchange for peace, which they repeatedly rejected, and every time the Palestinians have been given land – a.k.a. Gaza – they have used it to attack and terrorize Israel. Maybe check your sources and try to understand the Israeli perspective.

  6. 7 months ago on Kevin Kallaugher

    If you’re following what the Gazans themselves say about Hamas, you’ll know that Hamas has already destroyed it. The only way to put it back together again is to eliminate Hamas.

  7. 7 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Why do you assume the other side is evil? Because it is trying to defend itself by uprooting the evil that seeks to destroy it? Because in the process, despite their best efforts to save them, inevitably in war there are civilian casualties, especially when the enemy uses them as human shields? Or is it because of “apartheid”, based on a complete distortion of Israeli history which claims the Palestinians always lived and ruled Israel and the Jews are new modern settlers – in which case I recommend you read some history books. Or maybe it’s current “aggression” against Palestinians – in which case maybe actually sift through the facts and recognize that by and large, whatever so called “aggression” exists are measured responses to attempted acts of terror, and that quality of life and rights for Arab Israelis is far greater than anywhere else in the Arab world.

  8. 7 months ago on Clay Jones

    This is completely false and offensive. They were throwing rocks that could cause serious injury or death at innocent civilians, fueled by Hamas’s call to murder Jews. If someone starting throwing stones at people in the streets in America, you would hope they would be arrested, too.

  9. 7 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    Hamas is trading innocent civilians they took hostage. Israel is trading terrorists they arrested for attempted murder and inciting violence. The comparison is sickening.

  10. 7 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    When a powerful organization of murderers attacks you, raping, murdering, and kidnapping hundreds of members of your family and vows to do it again until they wipe you out, yes, you need to respond. You need to do whatever you can to get back your loved ones and stop them from doing it again.