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US Army veteran, first generation adoptive citizen of the USA, retired government employee, defender of truth and reason and above all freedom.

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  1. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury

    I see that after several weeks of decompressing poor G. Turdeau is back to bashing Trump, his favorite cash cow. Keep ’em coming Garry, another four years of easy money for you! Refill that tumbler of leftist tears, you are running low!

  2. 8 months ago on Doonesbury

    Next, show judge Merchan in Biden’s pocket would you Garry? Yeah, I did not think so, not enough room with you already in it!

  3. 10 months ago on Doonesbury

    Wow! Bidenomics has really put this poor family in the hole! And as for the IRS, those taxes must be paid in order to support the Biden college tuition giveaway, and the unlimited munitions to Israel and Ukraine, as well as free phones to illegal immigrants and free relocation anywhere in the USA! And don’t get me started on the price of everything from gas to eggs thanks to Sleepy Joe and kooky Kamala! That’s what I get from this comic strip, how about you guys?

  4. 10 months ago on Doonesbury

    So an evaluation of dementia from a character that does not exist. Trudeau, you are so desperate you will try anything, so pathetic of you! Keep trying to polish that t*** presently in the White House, errand boy!

  5. 11 months ago on Doonesbury

    I wonder why Mr. Trudeau doesn’t care to mention some of Biden’s foibles, such as:Repeatedly pooping his pantsFalling down (or up) stairsWalking around aimlessly in circlesNot being able to put two sentences together without a prompterMaking up life stories and putting himself, Zelig like, in numerous scenarios and places he has never been inPlagiarizing speeches from other politiciansLying about his son’s cause of deathIgnoring his granddaughter, trying to ignore Hunter’s anticsI could go on but you get the point…But agenda driven grifting cartoonists can be like that…

  6. about 1 year ago on Doonesbury

    When you put down you Ukraine flag, keyboard Patton…

  7. about 1 year ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Hey Lalo, you forgot AOC the sword swallower…

  8. about 1 year ago on Doonesbury

    Don’t order people you don’t know, you pompous jackwagon

  9. about 1 year ago on Doonesbury

    Learn to spell before you criticize.

  10. about 1 year ago on Lalo Alcaraz

    Yes, because having open borders, enriching the drug cartels, and encouraging people from all over the world to enter the US illegally in order to have a cheap supply of labor and undying gratitude for Pappy Biden and the Democrats is the right thing to do!