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  1. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    “Now, about ventilators, or the designs I cut in doors. I can give you stars, diamonds, or crescents -there ain’t much choice-all give good service. A lot of people like stars, because they throw a ragged shadder. Others like crescents ‘cause they’re graceful and simple. Last year we was cuttin’ a lot of stars; but this year people are kinda quietin’ down and runnin’ more to crescents. I do cut twinin’ hearts now and then for young married couples, and bunches of grapes for the newly rich. These last two designs come under the head of novelties and I don’t very often suggest ’em because it takes time and runs into money.” From “The Specialist,” by Chick Sales. copyright 1929

  2. over 3 years ago on Non Sequitur

    “Now, about ventilators, or the designs I cut in doors. I can give you stars, diamonds, or crescents -there ain’t much choice-all give good service. A lot of people like stars, because they throw a ragged shadder. Others like crescents ‘cause they’re graceful and simple. Last year we was cuttin’ a lot of stars; but this year people are kinda quietin’ down and runnin’ more to crescents. I do cut twinin’ hearts now and then for young married couples, and bunches of grapes for the newly rich. These last two designs come under the head of novelties and I don’t very often suggest ’em because it takes time and runs into money.From “The Specialist” by Chick Sales, copyright 1929.