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  1. about 1 hour ago on Joe Heller

    If Simone Biles fell as often as Biden does she would not have come in First, Second,or Third.

  2. about 17 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    And yet,against the advice of all his generals, Biden decided to follow Trump’s advice because he thought the fallout would hut Trump more than all the people who suffered because of his stupidity.

  3. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I quoted one Endocrinologist because he sufficiently covered the some of the problems you are in favor of ignoring. In regards to the suicides, I have not found any consensus that Gender Affirming Surgery has any success in reducing the suicide rates of patients involved. Some studies show a reduction, but others show no effect that can be attributed to the surgeries. Comparing our care to other countries shows that those promoting surgeries, puberty blockers, and hormone therapy are distressingly lax in their attention to safety protocols to prevent unnecessary medical intervention.

  4. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    So your position is, since there are other urgent causes, we should ignore this one because you aren’t concerned about it? How compassionate of you! And you don’t even have any suggestion to solve the problem you think is more urgent!

  5. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    I still don’t see any solutions suggested by you.

  6. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    You conveniently ignore the fact that the 1% are for the short term, other nations are experiencing longer term regret, along with longer term consequences.

    “Endocrinologist Michael Laidlaw from Rocklin, Calif., noted that children in the study who took puberty blockers exhibited significantly less bone density than their peers. That causes stunted height and puts them at greater risk for osteoporosis and fractures in adulthood, he said.

    Given the study’s findings that nearly all children who take puberty blockers end up on cross-sex hormones, it is clear that the drugs do more than give children time to pause to consider their gender identity.

    Cross-sex hormones carry side effects including sterility, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and increased risk of breast and uterus cancers, and other harmful psychoactive effects of high-dose hormones such as mood swings and even psychosis, Laidlaw said."

  7. 3 days ago on Clay Bennett

    What can we do about that except vote Republican? Democrats certainly are cooperative when the traffickers send them over the southern border, happily turning the unaccompanied minors over to the slavers on the other side.

  8. 3 days ago on Gary Varvel

    You really shouldn’t talk about Joe that way, especially after the awful job he did on the debate.

  9. 4 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    First aid training, like fire arms training, is voluntary. Hunting Safety used to be taught in school (like drivers training), but I remember after Kennedy was shot many people pulled their children out of training classes because they didn’t want to expose their children to guns.

  10. 4 days ago on Jeff Stahler

    While taking a first aid class doesn’t qualify one to be a surgeon, it does make one more capable of safely helping a person during a medical emergency. Likewise, being a member of the NRA (assuming you make use of some of the classes and information they provide) does make one more capable of safely owning a weapon.