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  1. over 2 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    One of our boys is Nurse Kitty.

    ANYBODY in the house feels bad, they sit on the couch— he comes and sits about a finger away, purring loudly, and ignores if someone needs to lay on a warm fluffy. Same cat that usually hides from everyone. :D
  2. about 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Sue E.:Yes, there are. But nobody is demanding that you stop using various spices in dishes, nor that you not wear a specific color.

    They are demanding that people stop a tradition that quite literally dates to the founding of the nation, against the wishes of those who became PTSD on behalf of that nation.

  3. about 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ma’am, the folks who told you to stop setting off fireworks for folks with PTSD are the ones who don’t give a damn about those with PTSD.

    They didn’t ask.

    They just stole the authority, and abused it.

  4. about 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    The claim of triggering PTSD in veterans is inaccurate, and the first time I ran into it was from a Stolen Valor individual— never served, claimed to have war-based PTSD. That individual was abusing the love and consideration of people who respect the military in order to go after something that gave others joy, and lied to do it. (Yes, I am still steamed at such abuse of trust and good will.) Now perfectly well-meaning individuals are, with every good intention on earth, spreading the claim. Sometimes by confronting PTSD veterans for their lack of consideration of PTSD veterans.

    What does trigger PTSD is things like other drivers being erratic, or parking in unusual places, or turning without signaling, or coming up to a stop and not slowing down; piles of things in unusual places without an obvious reason. Cars or tents under an overpass? VERY serious trigger, especially if there are people around them behaving oddly. People being confrontational without obvious cause, while they are doing normal activities. (Yes, that last one is either ironic, or very darkly humorous.)

    Because that is behavior strongly associated with IED and suicide bomber attacks, which is the primary source of injured, PTSD veterans.

    The claim seems to get legs mostly because of the Hollywood archetype of “Vietnam Veteran” that is constantly having flashbacks any time a car backfires. Since actual Vietnam veterans are who have been primarily targeted for lecturing because they are the ones who usually have the really impressive private firework displays, it doesn’t hold together very well. My late uncle was quite literally blown up in Vietnam—missing for weeks—and loved fireworks, because they are controlled, they are expected, they are on his side.

  5. over 3 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Made a profile to say prayers sent, and while I know it’s scary you’ll be fine.