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  1. 1 day ago on Wondermark

    OMG. You mean this is an actual thing. It happened to me in comments I made recently, pointing out a false statement attributed to the “convict himself” even though I pointed out I was in no way a fan. I thought it was just me. So many downvote, so many swipes at my mother’s premarital sins. Jeez, maybe some of the GOPPERS may be right about us.

    Aaand, let the downvotes pour in. Hell, who knows, if I get enough, I might even be banned.

  2. 11 days ago on Doonesbury

    Depends on the code and the competence of the coders. It’s easy to spend 8 million on gibberish, but it’s still gibberish. Like @B H suggests, it could be worth nothing. They are gambling $25k sight unseen, and won’t know until they open the g̶i̶b̶b̶e̶r̶i̶s̶h̶ code.

  3. 18 days ago on Wondermark

    Why doesn’t GoComics show Watermarks alt txt – some of them are really funny.

  4. 20 days ago on Doonesbury

    Likely. I’m beginning to think my bad spelling is effecting my spellchecker. Thanks.

  5. 22 days ago on Doonesbury

    Clearly, but I hope for humanities sake he’s confirmed none of the protesters are in one of the applied sciences.

  6. 22 days ago on Doonesbury

    I like and agree with your sentiment, but don’t you think “apatheistic atheist” is a bit of an oxymoron? I understand why you would put it that way, as I’m guessing you were brought up in a theist/christian indoctrination, who ursurpted the word to mean “antitheist” when those of us who remain atheist understand it to mean apatheistic. When speaking to a atheistic forum I use apatheistic but to normal people I just use the root word.

    TL;DR – in any event, I don’t really care. _

  7. about 1 month ago on Wondermark

    Yeah, best country in the world.

  8. about 1 month ago on Doonesbury

    There is a place in Canada, the Newfoundland part of Newfoundland and Labradour that has no racoons and people who have never experienced the delight of smelling dead skunks in the middle of the road.

  9. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    I weep for Mexico. And, yes there some here who are trying trump’s style, and yes, there are concerns. But if you believe Canada is any way near cr*p shoot going in the US, you have been reading fringe media on both ends. It only sounds sensational. I’ve been to many parts in the US and have seen the absurdity first hand. Come up here and try to find it. It’s a made up thing to make the right believe that all the nonsense is normal. Fortunately, only in Canada: pity.

  10. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Wait, you forgot:Get rid of Biden and cure diabetesGet rid of Biden and stop plate tectonicsGet rid of Biden and no more stinky fartsGet rid of Biden and stop having time zonesGet rid of Biden and stop universal entropyJeez, that Biden has a lot to answer for.Get well soon FoN.