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Admittedly, I’m guessing. I wondered about eight at first, but that seemed young to even be aware of the word “scandalous.”
…apparently no one has yet learned that you don’t contract TZAP to do anything you don’t want destroyed, ruined, or otherwise killed.
Watching Jason try to impress Eileen is still pretty funny, even after all these years.
This is why you send in the canary.
Clever. Old concept, but clever. Fox Trot did this YEARS ago with a Costco run.
Not ALL apples taste great. Some are sour and unpleasant. But a LOT of them DO taste great.
Might still pull it off as a candid, but good try anyway, Nate. You’ll make an excellent tabloid photographer or paparazzo one day.
…and here we go with the nonsense. Four years of pointless idiocy from the man whose career is even LESS relevant than Joe Biden’s: Garry Trudeau.
…Wanda, do you believe your 10 year old daughter has scandalous ANYTHING?
The man wanted spaghetti! And what does he get? Overpriced pastry-wrapped beef. That’s a Born Loser for you.
Admittedly, I’m guessing. I wondered about eight at first, but that seemed young to even be aware of the word “scandalous.”