
Tibby57721 Free

I have osteogenesis imperfecta and live in a town of less than 50,000 people. That is all.

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Peanuts

    World of Wrestling Golfers is ready to rumble!!!!!!!!

  2. 2 days ago on Steve Breen

    The all caps and hyperbole kind of feels a bit desperate. Or at least I don’t think looks right.

    Going by what I saw for me they both kind of seemed like hostile and dishonest old guys. I think if you’re core for one or the other you don’t see “your guy” as dishonest, but just the fact-checking I saw indicated both had problems. While Biden looked the more befuddled of the too.

    I wouldn’t say Trump won so much as Biden lost. Or maybe more accurately America lost.

  3. 4 days ago on Nancy

    Yeah Sluggo’s traditionally depicted as on the poor side I think. Maybe the sky-writer is a relative.

  4. 4 days ago on Ziggy

    I guess there’s also some piracy in the Gulf of Guinea. French might be easier to learn.

  5. 4 days ago on Steve Breen

    It being hot in Summer is not what the cartoonist means. I mean

    “The May global surface temperature was 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th-century average of 14.8°C (58.6°F), making it the warmest May on record. This was 0.18°C (0.32°F) above the previous record from May 2020.”

    “The contiguous U.S. average temperature during May was 62.3°F, 2.1°F above average, ranking 13th warmest in the 130-year record”.

    May is not actually in Summer. (June is not done yet)

    You might note that the US’s was less exceptional than the Global May. Global warming or climate change I think is generally agreed will impact some places more than others. There are actually parts of the US that, I believe, are not expected to see major change. I think some downplay this maybe out of fear it will make some less interested as thousands dying in say India or Kenya, but say Vermont doing mostly okay, might make people less interested.

  6. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Eh personally my experience is that since 9-11 atheists are one of the more evangelizing of metaphysical positions. Several of them have even said their goal was to “de-convert” or “liberate” me.

    To be honest this initially perplexed me because when I first went online, in 1998, atheists were indeed pretty chill and were that way in life too. I think maybe seeing religious terrorists kill thousands, and then increased awareness of my faith’s sex abuse scandal, maybe is what caused a change.

    I think if you deal with mainline Protestants, non-trad Catholics, and pretty much all Jews we’re not going to aggressively push you or tell you you’re going to Hell. I mean I guess you could end up in Hell, but so could I. (Although a part of me thinks at least Hell would be something. That the good and the evil all end up in the same oblivion seems to be unjust to me, but YMMV and all.)

  7. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I actually think relatively few atheists “hate God”. My experience with atheists in life and online is

    *People who were “gifted children” and found the answers of their religion unsatisfying. Either because their religion was one of the ones that kind of discouraged questioning in the first place or because the answers given to them were not right for a child of their intelligence.

    *People who have an unusually intense reaction to “being fooled.” Many atheists I’ve read, even Asimov who was Jewish, describe the moment they “learned the truth about Santa Claus” as almost an intense and deeply painful event. Not all atheists do, but this kind of “I was betrayed and lied to about Santa” reaction I mostly find with atheists and then secondarily with some Fundamentalist Protestants. Most people just kind of shrug it off. Or if you’re Catholic like me what you “learn” is he’s an exaggeration of a real guy with some pagan stories thrown in.

    *People who were truly betrayed by a religious person. Like the religious spouse they had cheated on them or abused them. Their clergyman sexually harassed them or worse. Their parents kicked them out of the house because they caught them kiss a member of their own sex. These people might appear to hate God, but they may more accurately be said to hate Christians or be hurt by them.

  8. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Well I do think my beliefs are true or I wouldn’t bother, but I don’t expect and certainly don’t demand everyone accept what I think is true is in fact true.

    This isn’t even just about religion. There are various things where I think a person can be in error, but the error can be tolerated because not tolerating it is worse.

  9. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I think sin can just mean a moral wrongdoing or failing. Atheists and Humanists, going by studies, tend to place relatively high value in violations of consent or on cruelty to animals. Even if you don’t want to call say animal cruelty or sexual harassment “a sin” I think you could agree with the basic concept it’s behavioral wrongdoing one may rightly feel guilt over. I know some thoroughly secular people who feel some “guilt” over the role most of us may play in the exploitation of child labor, prison labor, or deforestation. (If you eat chocolate, buy clothing, or eat fruit there is some odds you may be part of a system that does one of those things.)

    I’m not saying any of this to “convert you” as I tend to think it’s potentially egotistical to think I have that power. I’m just saying I think we can understand concepts that we do not personally believe without being overly snide about it.

  10. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Wouldn’t have thought Rat was Catholic.

    But also I think most any priest has heard way worse sins than anything Rat does. Still sometimes one forgets that.

    So when I had a priest who did prison ministry with, I believe, a literal sociopathic killer it seemed like a reason to go to Confession when I hadn’t it years. I felt pretty confident nothing I could say would come close to a guy who ministered to rapists and murderers. But nowadays I know most priests have heard plenty.

    (Hopefully this will not make me sound “holier than thou” or aggressively evangelizing. I mean “I don’t think I do as bad of things as murderers or rapists” feels like an acceptably non-judgemental bar of self-praise.)