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thewoundeddragon Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 3 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    ….Democrats gone wild?

  2. almost 3 years ago on Clay Bennett

    HAHAHAHaaaa…. stoopid

  3. almost 3 years ago on Clay Bennett

    TRUMP 2024

  4. almost 3 years ago on Clay Bennett

    ….mean while ppl are POURING into the FREE state of Florida

  5. almost 3 years ago on Robert Ariail


  6. almost 3 years ago on Clay Bennett


  7. almost 3 years ago on ViewsAmerica

    OH NOOOOOOO….. the Earth isnt a specific temp libtards think it should be?!?!?!Lets impower the crooks in Gov with a shit-ton of money to ‘combat’ this unnatural phenomenon known as weather.

  8. almost 3 years ago on Tim Campbell

    …….CHAZ ??

  9. almost 3 years ago on Tim Campbell

    OH NOOOOoooooo….. somebody put their feet on piglosies desk!!!

  10. almost 3 years ago on Tim Campbell

    Should Gay ppl be rounded up for the disease they spread?