Ecvgny wsaa0661

J. Scarbrough Free

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  1. 3 days ago on Luann

    No, just Sundays.

  2. 3 days ago on Luann

    1952? That was the year my mom was born. That is old!

    P.S. This week’s title panel was fittingly Luann made up like an old-timey magazine cover model.

  3. 5 days ago on Luann

    Yep. The writers and producers would interview actual surgeons, nurses, soldiers, et al who really served in Korea or even Vietnam, and use their anecdotes and recollections for material for storylines on the show. Sometimes, viewers who were veterans would reach out to the producers to share their experiences with them for use in storylines.

  4. 5 days ago on Luann

    Perhaps not, but technically, M*A*S*H wasn’t a sitcom. Yes, the network branded it as such, but the producers never intended for it to be a sitcom, it was always a program that was both humorous and heartfelt at the same time (this was because the term “dramedy” had yet to be coined).

  5. 5 days ago on Luann

    “Live for today, for there may be no tomorrow. I’ve got to live for tomorrow, because for me, there’s no today.” ~ B.J. Hunnicutt

  6. 6 days ago on Luann

    In real time, yes. In comic strip time, it hasn’t really even been that long; we spent more time with Bernice trying to hound Luann for more details about Phil as though she was interested in him.

  7. 6 days ago on Luann

    They’re friends? They just recently met and just barely know each other.

  8. 7 days ago on Luann

    I was talking about the characters’ moods, but yeah, you’re not wrong about that either.

  9. 7 days ago on Luann

    Well, it’s always 5:00 somewhere.

  10. 7 days ago on Luann

    I’ve got whiplash again from how everyone’s moods keep switching on a dime.