Worked as a dishwasher in college. Sat. night was often “steak night”. Leona was the woman in charge of the cafeteria. After the cafeteria closed she would cook steak dinners for the dish washers. They were much better than the ones served to the student population. I loved that woman.
worked at a bakery in H.S.; 3:30 am- fry the donuts. 4:00 pm make the Danish dough then wash the dishes. JOKE; Customer complains "there is some hair in my bread; Baker " Thats b/c I knead the dough on my bare chest. Customer; “Gross!” Baker " Well you should see how I make donuts"( I miss my dad; Chief Petty Officer Retired; 20 years Navy
speaking of which; I cleaned out the office basement & found my old C64, 2x 5.5inch drives, several boxes of 5.5 inch discs and some cartridges. Those drives were slow and noisy. Anyone interested? $
Still have my Sony flat; $2.4 K Not one problem with it. In the meantime I have had a Vizio and an LG die.