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csroberto2854 Free

18 year old autistic hispanic-american from Illinois, claim to fame is being the youngest user on Son of Stuck Funky at 16 years old in 2022

Recent Comments

  1. about 5 hours ago on Crankshaft


    it’s a lot more interesting than the pile of boring crap that was this week’s Crankshaft

  2. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    I can tell because you’re upset, Lesse

  3. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    The future in this strip is the one where Lisa’s cancer DIDN’T return and cause Les’s irreversible transformation into Dick Facey

  4. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    IMPORTANT EVENTS IN BATIUKVERSE HISTORY: Mickey Lopez-Bushka returns to Westview, Ohio (with a brand new design because it’s Act II)

  5. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    I hate this story arc because it meant that nobody in the Batiukverse has free will whatsoever


    (Hair becomes golden, I have somehow turned into a Super Saiyan)


  6. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    IMPORTANT EVENTS IN BATIUKVERSE HISTORY: The narrative skips to some 4-9 decades into the future (which may or may not be ripping off the ending of Dragon Ball GT), where Lisa Jr. (Summer’s granddaughter) and Summer’s daughter make their debut

  7. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    AND THUS ENDS THE STORY OF WESTVIEW (at least until Pedoskunk Johnny Howard and Crazy Harry showed up in Crankshaft)

    Son Goku: Till we meet again!

  8. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    Row 4: Cathy Batiuk (Tom’s wife), Brian Batiuk (Tom’s son), The Pizza Box Monster, Mickey Lopez-Bushka (Ayers forgot what she looked like for the THIRD TIME and just used clipart of Keisha), Buck Biglow, Linda Lopez-Bushka, Cindy Summers, Mason Jarré, Emily Mathews, Ameila Mathews, Ms. Lee (the poor teacher who had to endure Crankshaft as a bus driver for many school field trips), Rolanda Mathews (who I headcanon to be Ameila and Emily’s step-mother) and Chuck Ayers (the former artist of Funky Winkerbean and Crankshaft)

  9. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    Row 3: John Howard, Wally Jr., Becky, Maddie, Donna, Crazy Harry, Ralph Meckler, George Keesterman, Lena, Mary Marizpan, Rocky Rhodes the Bus Driver, Andy Clark the Bus Driver

  10. about 9 hours ago on Funky Winkerbean

    Row 2: Rana Howard, Max, Mitch, Hannah, Jeff, Pam, Crankshaft, Chester, Darin, Jess, Skyler, Flash Freeman, Phil Holt, Ruby Lillth, Mopey Pete, Mindy, Batton Thomas