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csroberto2854 Free

18 year old autistic hispanic-american from Illinois, claim to fame is being the youngest user on Son of Stuck Funky at 16 years old in 2022

Recent Comments

  1. 2 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    You could’ve let him be


  2. 3 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    what’s to say that Cindy DIDN’T give Sadie brain damage by slamming her head onto that station?

  3. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    I have a older sister (by 4 years) and while we constantly get on each others nerves, it’s nowhere near as awful of a relationship that Cindy and Sadie has

  4. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    My least favorite Batiukverse characters

    6. John Howard = He reminds me of one of my job coaches at Gordon’s Food Service in the fall who got arrested for owning CP (which also featured him committing a truly horrific crime to a infant) (I wouldn’t be surprised if John actually got arrested for that in the strip) and also he treats his customers like crap and stole Becky from Wally (I don’t think Becky had any say in the marriage)

    5. Dick Facey = he’s a smug zealot who cannot take a joke or anybody telling him Lisa wasn’t that special

    4. Melinda Budd – she is a really awful parent even for Batiukverse standards

    3. Frankie Pierce – he is incredibly sleazy and tried to take Darin from his adoptive parents (Fred and Ann Fairgood)

    2. Cindy = her hatred of Marianne Winters and her suing Ginny Wolfe for giving her poor grades rubbed me the wrong way

    1. Dinkle = His treatment of his students and old people are horrible and his ego is way too much to bear

  5. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    I don’t know what Funky’s lips taste like, but i’m 100% certain that his breath can throw a recovering alcoholic off the wagon

  6. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    Les: Just kidding, the papers you wrote were the absolute worst I have ever seen.

    Sadie: “sob”

  7. 4 days ago on Crankshaft

    give us 200 more years of technology

    in the Team Fortress 2 universe, teleporters (as well as death rays) existed since the early 20th century all because of this fictional element called Australium (which boosts physical and mental capabilities)

  8. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    behold, a rare solemn Act I strip

  9. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    the joke here is that Principal Burch hates his job

  10. 4 days ago on Funky Winkerbean

    Forcing your students to show up during a blizzard is downright ILLEGAL